From home office to Titanic: discover books that predicted the future

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In fact, the books they are capable of transporting us to places that only the imagination is capable of reaching at that moment. It doesn't matter if the story relates the past, the present or the future, the point is that many authors are full of creativity.

However, some plots describe exactly situations that, years later, end up happening. Did these writers have crystal balls? Check out some books that predicted the future.

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6 books that predicted the future

1. Futility or the Sinking of Titan (1898)

Morgan Robertson's book portrays a novel that takes place on a passenger ship called Titan that suddenly hits an iceberg and sinks in the icy waters of the Atlantic Ocean.

Does this story sound familiar to you? You might even think that the book was inspired by the sinking of the Titanic, however, that only happened in 1912, more than a decade after the publication was released.

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2. Paris in the Twentieth Century (1863)

The story written by Jules Verne talks about the dystopian “Paris in the 20th century”, which predicted inventions of submarines and technologies to land on the Moon, but all this almost 100 years before actually to happen.

3. The Sultana's Dream (1905)

The story, told by a Muslim woman and social reformer from Bengal, tells of men locked away to avoid violence and war. The fact itself did not occur later, but technologies such as solar energy and video calls have already been featured in the book.

4. Brave New World (1932)

The plot, which takes place in London, tells how society escaped reality through the use of drugs that ended up improving their mood. However, it was not until the 1950s that scientists first tested antidepressants.

5. Earth (1990)

Set in 2038, the story of “Earth” revolves around spam-filled email inboxes, nuclear meltdown and global warming. Brin also talks about the greenhouse effect, and this is not a very distant reality.

6. The machine stopped (1909)

The plot describes the reality of a future in which people start to live and work exclusively in their rooms, communicating only through electronic devices. Thinking like this, Forster was right about video calls and the home office.

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