Operation fulfills warrants against book piracy in these states

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The operations carried out by the Civil Police of the states of Holy Spirit, Minas Gerais, Maranhão and Paraná were executed last Wednesday (30). Thus, six search and seizure warrants were complied with and four court orders to carry out blockades. and suspensions of illegal websites, in addition to deleting profiles on social networks with accusations of book piracy.

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The actions, named Last Page, were planned by the Ministry of Justice and Public Security, with the aim of combating crimes committed against intellectual property. In this case, copyright infringement occurs when copies are made available for clandestine download on websites.

The name of the operation, in literal translation, means “last page”, referring to the completion of a book. Thus, the action aims to close the problems with piracy, alluding to closing the book, as should be the case with denounced and investigated portals.

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Piracy in Brazil

According to Brazilian legislation, it is considered a crime to violate copyright by offering content to the public over the internet, either by any means, such as cable, satellite or other signal possibilities, with the aim of making profits on top of construction works. the 3rd.

Piracy has existed for a long time in Brazil and in the world. Combat operations happen frequently, in order to try to inhibit new cases that may occur, because year after year, both the government and artists and companies suffer significant financial losses due to the non-transfer of rights copyright.

Cases of forgery and non-compliance with copyright laws are not exclusive to books, as products of clandestine origin have been sold illegally for a long time.

Some measures are taken to try to avoid entries for these purposes and, many times, these loads are already seized at the borders of Brazil or on the highways during the journey to their destinations. destinations.

Operations such as “Last Page” serve as an attempt by the authorities to end part of these violations of laws, making so that literary works have their due value recognized, both on the financial side and for their values ​​in the scope intellectual.

For this reason, we recommend that books be purchased from official sites and sites that respect the standards and the work of our authors, in order to add knowledge to readers and culture to our country.

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