In MS, teachers will have salary updated according to the current salary floor

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O new national salary floor for teachers was updated by the Ministry of Education (MEC) on January 16, starting to be considered with 15% more compared to the year 2022. The amount of R$ 4,420.55 was considered for the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, as published in the Official State Gazette last week, on February 2nd.

Salary floor in Mato Grosso do Sul

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Teachers active in the State Education Network receive a value considerably higher than what is currently proposed as the national base. For 40 weekly hours worked, the professional in the area receives BRL 10,318.18 monthly, which is considered the highest salary for a teacher in Brazil. In addition to the salary, there are additional ones for length of service for teaching, university and postgraduate professors and for those who hold a master's degree.

Compliance with the salary floor for teachers is one of the priorities for the path of valuing teachers. Investments do not stop only in professionals, as the government revealed that investments in institutions are also priorities, as Governor Eduardo Riedel stated:

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“We have a non-negotiable commitment to education, and valuing education professionals is a fundamental part of that commitment”.

Back to school in schools

The state school calendar reported that the school year will begin on February 23. There are preparations for the production of uniforms, reaching 486,000 pieces, in addition to 192,800 school material kits to distribute among students.

School institutions reach 348, divided into 79 existing municipalities in MS. For teachers and educational agents, the strategies for the school year will start on February 13th.

The general investment for education in MS reaches R$ 20.3 million: R$ 11.3 million were invested in uniforms. Each student will be entitled to two government shirts and only the final years of elementary school will be entitled to shorts.

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