USP has 12 of the 50 best courses in the world, reveals international ranking

Here in Brazil, the University of São Paulo (USP) is synonymous with quality teaching. However, the fame of this institution is not limited to Brazil, as it also stands out on the international scene. Proof of this is that a new international ranking informs that USP has courses among the best in the world.

A university of excellence

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It is not new that the University of São Paulo stands out in publications outside Brazil. This is because it always appears in the lists of the best universities in the world, even if it is behind other institutions from the so-called first world countries. Still, she managed to be a reference for scholars and researchers around the world.

Furthermore, it is common for the University of São Paulo to rank as the best university in Brazil and even in Latin America, depending on the survey. Therefore, it has become one of the dreams of great scholars throughout Brazil and even the world. This achievement was only highlighted by this new research.

This is the QS survey world University Ranking that is done by the magazine Subject and which elaborates which are the best courses of higher education institutions in the world. In this case, the journal points out four factors as criteria for selection: academic reputation, reputation among employers, scientific citations and researchers' average.

Most of the courses were among the top 50 positions, but it is also possible to find other areas of study that were further down the list. ranking. More precisely, 26 areas ranked between 51st and 100th, another five among the top 150 in the world and, finally, two more that appear among the top 200.

However, the University of São Paulo managed to stand out with 12 courses among the top 50, being the best evaluated in Latin America. Check out the courses below:

  • Dentistry (14);
  • Petroleum Engineering (24);
  • Anthropology (27)
  • Agriculture and Forestry (28);
  • Mining Engineering (30);
  • Nursing (36);
  • Modern Languages ​​(41);
  • Veterinary Science (42);
  • Architecture (44);
  • Sociology (44);
  • Civil Engineering (45);
  • Right (47).

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