AI Guru Says Artificial Intelligence Will Surpass Human Intelligence, But It Will Still Take Time

Currently, there is much discussion around the potential of Artificial intelligence (AI) to outperform human intelligence in future.

Experts have raised concerns about the dangers associated with AI, and even prominent figures like Elon Musk, owner of Twitter and Tesla, signed a letter requesting a six-month break from breakthrough efforts. from AI.

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In the same vein, Yann LeCun, one of the leading scientists in the field of artificial intelligence and Meta's chief AI scientist expressed the view that "there is no doubt" that AI will eventually surpass human intelligence.

However, according to Meta's chief scientist, it is important to point out that this is not something imminent and immediate.

Intelligences can override human intelligence

Yann LeCun is recognized as one of the pioneers and leaders in the field of artificial intelligence, along with the likes of Geoffrey Hinton and Yoshua Bengio.

In 2018, the three were awarded the Turing Award, a prestigious honor in the field of scienceof computing, for his fundamental contributions to the development and advancement of deep neural networks.

According to a BBC report, Yann LeCun made remarks during an event, stating that while he believes there is "no doubt" that intelligence Artificial intelligence will eventually surpass human intelligence, researchers still need to discover and understand some essential concepts to achieve this. level.

He stressed that reaching such a milestone will take time, estimating that it could take years or even decades to materialize.

Yann LeCun also addressed the fear that AI could eventually take over the world, specifically in regards to Artificial General Intelligence (AGI).

The expert also said, in an interview given to the BBC broadcaster, that there are unfounded fears that a system superintelligent can be activated and take over the world in a matter of minutes, classifying this idea as “absurdly ridiculous".

Echoing other AI enthusiasts such as Bill Gates, LeCun believes that, in fact, artificial intelligence will help solve humanity's problems and not the other way around.

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