Study opportunity: FREE preparatory course for the Enem!

We have reached the fourth month of 2023 and people are already preparing for the And either (National High School Examination) for this year. If you still don't have plans to study and don't know where to start, start here! A preparatory course, online and full of material to help you.

The “Acelere no ENEM” course emerged in 2020 and has grown year after year, approving many candidates studying through the platform. For the 2023 Enem, candidates are starting to look for vacancies offered by the preparatory course. Don't miss the opportunity.

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Accelerate in ENEM prepares thousands of candidates

The course was launched in 2020, during the pandemic, to serve students in the state of Pernambuco. The course offers support from professionals from all areas of knowledge through the virtual platform.

That year, around 84,000 students participated in the preparation for the Enem, which was recognized by the Brasil Conference Harvard & MIT and is among the top 30 organizations in the country.

Study maps, classes of all subjects required in the Enem, professional monitoring, simulations, reports and all the material to guarantee a good score in the test are available.

Rhayann Vasconcelos, one of the founders of the project, said that any technological resource can help the candidate to study through the virtual platform.

“We unite online and offline, desktop and mobile, videos and exercises, delivering everything the student needs, the way he likes best and at all stages of his study until approval. We are opening enrollment and the expectation for 2023 is that over 500,000 students will join the Acelere ecosystem at ENEM”, said Rhayann.

Apply for the preparatory course

To apply, visit the project website Accelerate on ENEM and complete the registration. Registration is also a form of registration on the platform.

Good luck and good studies!

Lover of movies and series and everything that involves cinema. An active curious on the networks, always connected to information about the web.

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