Learn to identify your cat's age!

Due to the adoption of cats, especially in the case of stray cats, there is some difficulty in identifying the correct age. This can cause problems when taking this kitten to the vet, as some recipes and procedures benefit from this information.

If you have a cat at home, but you don't know how old it is, check out some tips for making this identification!

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Identifying the age of a kitten

When you find a kitten on the street, it can be a little difficult to know exactly how old it is just by looking at its general characteristics. Therefore, it is necessary to look at some more precise characteristics. For example, if the cat is a newborn up to 3 days old, he will still have a stump of the umbilical cord in his belly.

In the case of him no longer having the stump in his belly, but having his eyes still closed, he is four to five days old. In case he has his eyes open, watch his teeth. If they have already started to hatch, your cat is more than two weeks old. And if the teeth are indeed grown, the puppy is already past the seventh week.

(Read “Cats Can Get Depression Too! Check the symptoms clicking here).

Identifying the age of an adult cat

To identify the proximity of the age of an adult cat, it will once again be necessary to resort to the teeth. To do this, make sure your teeth have tartar in a reasonable amount, in addition to being partially yellow. With this, you can deduce that the age of the cat is between one and seven years old, the adult stage of cats.

Identifying the age of an elderly cat

The main characteristics of an elderly cat are behavioral, as they are no longer in the mood and tend to spend more time lying down. But there are physical characteristics, such as the hair that becomes more opaque and thin, possibly with some flaws. And when the cat turns 13, it will develop white fur. In addition, it is at this stage that the cat will show more tartar and tooth wear, mainly due to the difficulty of eating.

How much is a year in a cat's life worth?

This will depend on his stage of life. To calculate the age of a cat as if it were a human, add 15 years to the first year. And the second year, add another ten. However, when you pass the third year, add four years to each birthday.

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