5 historic massacres that shocked the world

Unfortunately, violence is a phenomenon that has accompanied humanity throughout all historical periods. Thus, from time to time we are faced with some news of genocides and massacres that, despite being shocking, are not new in the history of humanity. Below, you can see some examples of major massacres that took place around the world.

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Massacres that shocked the world

Massacres usually happen for different reasons, including wars, ideological and religious differences, as well as policies. As humanity is always in conflict, several of these events have happened over the centuries, see some of the most shocking examples:

Nanjing Massacre

In the context of World War II, more precisely in the pre-war period, between December 1937 and January 1938, there was a massacre in the Chinese city of Nanjing. In this case, the city was under the control of Japanese imperial troops, who took the lives of up to 300,000 Chinese in just two months.

Daily Record Massacre

As an example of massacre for ideological reasons and racism, we have the fire of the Daily Record, which was a newspaper that was headed by black men in North Carolina, USA. On November 10, 1898, a mob of white supremacists set fire to the newspaper and killed about 300 black people.

Cholula Massacre

It is a massacre carried out for economic reasons, as it consisted of the campaign to conquer the territory we know today as Mexico. The story goes that the Spanish conquerors, with the help of the Tlaxcaltecs, were responsible for the death of thousands of Cholulans.

Prague Massacre

In 1794, Russian forces attacked Prague, which was a suburb of Warsaw. The event is also known as the Second Battle of Warsaw and entered human history after about 20,000 civilians were murdered.

Jallianwala Bagh Massacre

Lastly, we have an event that shocked the entire civilized world at the time. In the case, thousands of Indians were gathered in public in Jallianwala Bagh, in protest against the arrest of pro-independence leaders, when they were surprised by British Crown forces. On that occasion, hundreds of unarmed Indians were killed.

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