Last chance! Senai has 6,000 vacancies for free courses throughout Brazil

Last call! The National Service for Industrial Learning (Senai) announced the opening of more than 6,000 vacancies for online courses, most of which are free. This is an opportunity to improve your resume or take the first steps to learn a trade. Continue reading and find out how to enroll in Senai courses.

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senai courses

Senai is the largest education network in Latin America. So this is an excellent opportunity to add knowledge. Best of all, as the courses are online, you can do all your training without leaving home and anywhere in the country.

For those who cannot or have not yet adapted to distance learning, in some parts of the country, Senai also offers courses in person. See below.

Federal District

In the Federal District, Senai has 3,680 vacancies open in free distance learning courses, through the Senai Regimental Gratuity program. There are vacancies in the sectors of: Food and Beverage, Civil Construction, Automotive, Energy, Electronics, Environment and more.


At Senai Bahia, there are 1,400 vacancies in online courses for personal development. There are vacancies for low-income people, from 16 years old. In this case, the candidate must pay attention to the requirements of each course.


In Paraíba, Senai offers free online courses in the following areas: Supper Production Natalinas, Occupational Safety, Electrical and Low Voltage Building Installation, Motorcycle Mechanics, and a lot more.

In addition, there are 232 vacancies in face-to-face or distance learning courses for: Professional Initiation, Professional Qualification, Professional Improvement and Qualification.

Rio de Janeiro

In Rio de Janeiro, vacancies are for EAD courses in: Food and Beverage, Automation, Audiovisual, Automotive, Buildings, Electronics Management, Management, Metallurgy, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, Software, Clothing, Graphics and more.

How can I enroll in Senai and take the courses?

Everything is done online! To register, you must enter the Senai website for the state in which you live, fill out a form and attach photos of your RG. If everything goes well, you will receive an email confirming your registration.

In case of more applicants than vacancies, there will be a waiting list. O Senai follow an order of registration in the free courses. As soon as a vacancy appears, a team from the organization contacts the candidate.

To enroll, you must have:

  • RG (original and copy);
  • Proof of education;
  • CPF;
  • Proof of residence.

It is worth remembering that underage students also need personal documents and the presence of a legal guardian.

Graduated in Social Communication at the Federal University of Goiás. Passionate about digital media, pop culture, technology, politics and psychoanalysis.

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