English language punctuation names

It's extremely important to you to know the most of the vocabulary you can to become proficiency in the English language. It requires the learning of many things one of these things is to know the names of the signs of punctuation in English. If you have to do an international work or want to discuss some text in English, you have to know the right way to say the signs of punctuation to use them in your conversation. / It is extremely important that you learn as much vocabulary as you can to become proficient in the English language. This requires knowledge of many things and one of them is precisely knowing the names of punctuation marks in english. If you need to do international work or want to discuss some English text, you need to know the right way to say punctuation marks so that you can use them in your conversations.

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By Janaína Mourão
Graduated in Letters - English

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/ingles/nomes-dos-sinais-pontuacao-lingua-inglesa.htm

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