Healthy party green grape jam is made in under 10 minutes

Celebrations represent moments of happiness. At this time, in addition to drinks, food is very welcome and is capable of making parties even more unforgettable. Whether at weddings or birthday parties, the candy form an important part of these celebrations. So today you're going to learn a grape jam recipe to make and break.

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It is not necessary to use many ingredients, however, give preference to well-known and renowned brands in the market. It is important to pay attention to the contents of the package, to make sure you are buying the right product.

grape jam recipe

Grape sweets are the favorites of many people and cannot be missing from parties and celebrations. Normally, seedless green grapes are used to make the consumption of the sweet more practical and to prevent children from swallowing the fruit pits.

To prepare the grape jam, you will need only 5 ingredients and the preparation time is only 10 minutes. It's a practical recipe that can be made for birthdays and even for a weekend snack. See how to do it below.


  • 1/2 cup of natural Nestlé yogurt;
  • 5 drops of vanilla essence;
  • 4 drops of sweetener (brand of your choice);
  • 1 bunch of frozen seedless green grape;
  • 1 tablespoon of Nestlé cocoa powder.

Way of doing

  1. In a small bowl, add natural yogurt, vanilla essence and sweetener. Mix all ingredients well;
  2. With the help of toothpicks, stick the frozen grapes and cover with the yogurt mixture. Do this process with all the grapes in the bunch, until they run out;
  3. In another container, cover the surface with aluminum foil, to form a lid, and stick the toothpicks with the grapes so that the excess yogurt drains. Take it to the freezer and let it rest for 10 minutes;
  4. After that time, remove the grapes from the freezer, discard the toothpicks and arrange them in a serving container. To decorate, sprinkle cocoa powder and serve the sweets still cold.

Source: Nestlé Recipes

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