Fisher launches podcast on the evolution of entrepreneurship

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During the pandemic, podcast consumption has increased a lot, and according to research, most listeners consume this type of content while doing their home activities. Using time away from mandatory tasks to learn something is very satisfying, and podcasts have helped a lot with that.

Those who enjoy the subject of technology, for example, can get excited, as Fisher (a reference company in Venture Building) in partnership with Snaq launched a podcast about innovation and technology, with experienced entrepreneurs and investors, to talk about creating products. The podcast will bring entrepreneurs who were active in the early days of the internet, and will talk about the challenges of technology in the 90s and early 2000s.

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“It was really cool to see the stories of digital business creation without the tools we are so used to like the cloud, communication platforms, G-suite, among others. One of the entrepreneurs said that he had to import a server and take it with an escort to the office because it was so expensive. Carlos Pessoa told about the challenge of putting the word 'entrepreneurship' in the dictionary, it was a a totally different reality, less than 20 years ago", says Pietro Bonfiglioli, founder of Fisher and snak.

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The first season will have 10 episodes, and the first ones are already available on the Snaq website, YouTube and audio playback platforms. The name of the podcast is Podcast Venture – The evolution of Brazilian digital entrepreneurship.

This season's interviewees will be: Carlos Pessoa (Managing Director at G2D), Edson Rigonatti (Founder of Astella), Alexandre Vilela (Vice-President of DigitalBridge, ex-Intel Capital and ex-Qualcomm Ventures), Anderson Thees (Founding Partner of Redpoint Eventures), Daniel Li (Serial Entrepreneur, creator of Disque Amizade), Daniela Graicar (Serial Entrepreneur, CEO of Agência PROS), Marcela Miranda (Entrepreneur and founder of Trigg), Roberto Grosman (Entrepreneur, co-founder of Fulano and COO of Descomplica), Rodrigo Teijeiro (Entrepreneur, founder of Sonico and CEO and founder of RecargaPay) and Stéphanie Fleury (founder of DinDin and presenter from CNN Brazil).

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