Want to lose weight? So know the best fiber-rich snack options

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Losing weight in a healthy way can be a big challenge for many people. After all, with a busy day-to-day life, it is common to resort to snacks industrialized so practical and tasty. However, they may contain too much sugar or sodium. Therefore, we selected some options for high fiber snacks for those who want to lose weight eating well!

Read more: Find out which foods are richest in fiber and their benefits

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High-fiber snacks

To lose weight, you don't have to give up the taste and pleasure of eating, quite the contrary! In fact, small dietary changes can provide big results in terms of weight loss. Below are some delicious snacks that will help you lose weight.

Roasted peanuts

Do you want a tasty snack, easy to make and with a high fiber content that will help you lose weight? So opt for roasted peanuts, which you can make yourself at home and which helps with heart health, fights anemia and much more. However, pay attention to the excess salt in the preparation and avoid the industrialized option, which also contains a lot of sodium.

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Add diversity of flavor to your routine through fruit consumption! They are great sources of fiber, vitamins and nutrients that will help you stay healthy and contribute to weight loss. Among the fruits with the highest fiber content are papaya, pear, orange and also pineapple.

Chickpea Snack

Did you know that it is possible to turn chickpeas into a tasty, healthy snack that will help you feel fuller for longer? There are several recipes that are easy to find on the internet, in which it is possible to combine different seasonings to give a lot of flavor to this grain that is so nutritious and rich in fiber.

Basically, you'll need to soak the chickpeas and then cook them just enough to make them al dente. Then season it according to your taste, such as sweet or spicy paprika, oregano, salt, black pepper and more. Finally, put it in the oven in a greased form for 10 to 15 minutes and it will be crispy like a snack, but much healthier!

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