Important archaeological site found 'by chance' in MT

Last Tuesday, May 30, an unusual event happened in Colniza, in the interior of Mato Grosso. A group of about 200 people who were originally in search of gold and carried out excavations ended up finding a archaeological site, which was also recognized by the State Department of Infrastructure and Logistics of Mato Grosso (Sinfra).

To everyone's surprise, the search for gold actually resulted in the discovery of ancient objects, including tableware. and other artifacts produced by an ancient civilization that inhabited the central region of Brazil thousands of years ago. years. The objects found have not yet been analyzed and have been sent to specialists for analysis.

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How did the discovery take place?

On Sunday, May 28, a rumor began to circulate in the interior of Mato Grosso. Workers paving roads in the Colniza region found a kind of golden stone and suggested that it could be a fragment of gold. Interested in further discovery, they decided to investigate further.

The news spread quickly among the city's 40,000 inhabitants, generating great anticipation. They immediately isolated an area of ​​approximately 500 meters for inspection and, then, the search for gold began.

However, instead of nuggets, they found the aforementioned historical artifacts, which may be even more valuable than the gold supposedly existing in the place.

The Secretariat of Public Security of Mato Grosso (Sesp) reported that the Institute of Historical and Artistic Heritage Nacional (IPHAN) was activated and will be responsible for dealing with the materials found at the excavation site in Colonize.

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