Detection of cancer from saliva and urine is in the experimental phase

The diagnosis of cancer is news that is not usually received with tranquility by people with the disease. In addition to the emotional aspect, cancer diagnostic tests are often expensive and invasive.

In attention to this phenomenon, researchers from the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences of Ribeirão Preto, belonging to the University of São Paulo, created a method that can work as an alternative for detecting cases of cancer based on urine samples and Spittle.

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Detecting the disease can be difficult in the early stages.

In the experimental phase, the method aims to identify what can be understood as the “fingerprint” of cancer.

in the language scientific, consists of saying that the test will look for changes in volatile organic compounds present in urine and saliva as biomarkers for the diagnosis of cancer.

The importance of the test is explained by the difficulty presented when diagnosing cancer in the initial stage of the disease, when there are few symptoms related to the disease.

In this sense, the development of a technique capable of identifying the presence of chemical compounds, the volatile organic compounds (VOCs), will make access to cancer diagnosis faster and more accessible.

According to Bruno Ruiz Brandão da Costa, one of the study's researchers, it is possible that there may be changes or the appearance of new VOCs in people diagnosed with cancer.

Therefore, through tests carried out in laboratories, it becomes possible to identify changes in the profile of compounds organic.

What is expected from the study?

As the research is still in the experimental phase, saliva and urine samples were collected only from patients with gastrointestinal, head and neck cancer.

Now, the author of the research intends to increase the number of volunteers, in order to compare the result of the tests applied to men, women and people with the most different behaviors, such as drinking and smoke.

For Bruno, this study is also important in that it may open space for the development of research aimed at detecting cancer through routine diagnostic tests.

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