True love? 5 Signs That PROVE You're Valuable

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We often face uncertainty and concerns about how we are perceived by others. However, there are telltale signs that can indicate whether the person you love truly values ​​you.

We separate here, five signs that indicate you are valued. Check out!

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1. listens to you

One of the first signs is when someone is listening intently. A communication is key in any healthy relationship, and being heard is a show of respect.

When someone is genuinely interested in what we have to say, it means they care about us. They want to understand our views and experiences, asking questions and offering advice when needed.

2. you feel safe

Another sign of appreciation is when we feel secure in a relationship. Healthy relationships are built on trust and the absence of physical or emotional violence.

Those who value us provide us with emotional security and don't try to control our lives. They respect our autonomy, encourage our dreams and are there for us when we need support.

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3. accept who you are

Acceptance is another important indicator of appreciation. Being accepted does not mean agreeing with everything we do, but recognizing and respecting our individuality. People who value us don't try to manipulate us or force us to be who we are not.

They encourage us to be ourselves, supporting our choices and helping us to grow. The threat or fear of abandonment is not part of this relationship.

4. Pay attention to details

Attention to detail is a subtle but telling sign of appreciation. When someone pays attention to the little things about us, it shows genuine interest.

They make an effort to know our preferences and remember them, seeking to please us in a meaningful way. This consideration shows that we are important to them and that they care about our happiness.

5. keep the word

Finally, the ability to fulfill promises reflects the value someone places on us. Those who value us do their best to honor their commitments by being there when we need them most.

When someone repeatedly fails to keep their promises, it shows a lack of respect. People who appreciate us act on their words and show commitment and reliability.
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