5 tips to get rid of negative energy in your home

We often don't feel good inside our own home, do we? There is a feeling of discomfort, insomnia and even malaise. These occurrences must not be common and are often caused by negative energy that is circulating through the environment. So you need to get rid of them, do some cleaning. Follow let=itura and check out 5 tips to do this.

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Tips for clearing negative energy from your home

In order for your home to be completely comfortable and cozy again, it is important that you do an energy cleaning that renews the environment. So, check out some tips on how to do this below.

Leave your windows wide open

The first step to doing an energy cleaning in your home is to open the windows. It is through them that we can expel everything bad that we don't want to keep inside our home, letting the air renew and purify itself.

Note: This advice is also valid for doors (all openings in the house).

Keep your house always organized

It is very common for a messy and cluttered house to bring a feeling of discomfort to your home. Therefore, for good energies to always circulate, try to keep your home always clean and organized so that the environment prospers positively, even for your day-to-day productivity.

Light an incense

This is a very old practice and well known for cleaning negative energies in the environment and seeking to attract good things. So choose an incense that you like, take a moment to concentrate and if you want to meditate, take advantage of the moment with the incense to make the environment more peaceful, just like you.

Throw away broken and unused things

Still in line with the idea of ​​leaving the house organized, throwing old and broken things is also very important. Keeping these furniture and utensils in your home is a reason to attract bad energies to your home, so fix them or discard them.

Use crystals to make the energy good

Finally, this is a tip that is also very old and known to people. Crystals attract good and prosperous energies to the environment, so try to have some in your house spread out and take care of them as you should, giving them a lunar and solar bath as well.

Obs.: Remember that each crystal has a purpose, look for each one of them and then see which one you want to acquire.

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