15 unexplained historical events up to the present day

With the rise of the internet, we became comfortable finding simple explanations very quickly. However, throughout history, many events were unexplained for a long time, and some still are. They can vary, and there are reports of islands that disappeared, presumably alien messages were found, endless storms were reported, among many others that will be addressed during the matter.

Now, check out 14 virtually unexplained historical events:

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1 - The dancing plagues

Sociologists and historians try to understand this “dance epidemic” that happened in the beginning of the 14th century, where more than 400 people just started dancing for no apparent reason, and then fainted. Some health problems have been linked to this epidemic, even heart attacks. Although there is no definitive explanation, researchers say it was a mass psychogenic illness.

2 – The snug hole

A gorilla who had the ability to communicate through sign language also made a shocking statement. The psychologist who treated the animal, Penny Patterson, explained what Koko the gorilla said about life after death. Koko was asked “where do animals go when they die?” and she replied “a comfortable hole”. This answer shocked many people and was even the basis for some philosophical debates.

3 - Suddenly Genius

In the year 2006, an individual shocked the world. This is Derek Amato, who, after suffering a serious head injury when jumping into a shallow pool, practically became a musical genius, with no previous musical experience. The accident remains unexplained by scientists, but the fact is that Amato became an extremely talented musician, composing music on the piano.

4 – The Stormin the end

In Australia, more specifically over the Tiwi Islands, a thunder cloud is formed practically every day. Meteorologists try to understand the reason for the existence of the cloud until today, and its causes can be diverse. The cloud has been dubbed a "consistent thunderstorm".

5 - The island that never existed

Islands carry with them a certain air of inherent mystery. Bermeja Island was the base for many stories. The island, which appeared on maps until the 20th century, never actually existed. But, as it had already appeared on maps, it gave rise to several theories, the main one being that the island was destroyed by the CIA for economic reasons.

6 – The unreadable message

There is a text that was written in a language that nobody knows, and its author is completely unknown. For more than half a century, the manuscript has been called the "Voynich Manuscript", after Wilfrid Voynich. Voynich was a literary dealer and acquired the text in question in the year 1912. There are people who believe that the text was derived from Italy, however, despite the best efforts of code breakers, its meaning remains hidden.

7 - The village that disappears

There is a lake that has intrigued history scholars for a long time. This is Lake Angikuni, which was formerly where an Inuit village was located. Supposedly, the inhabitants of that village simply disappeared and were never seen again. According to legend, in 1930, Joe Labelle, a fur trapper, came to find the village, but found nothing but dead sled dogs. To this day there is no real explanation of the place.

8 - Cleopatra's Tomb

Some historical personalities have their tombs in completely unknown places, as is the case of Genghis Khan and Mozart, for example. Despite the completely unknown location of Cleopatra's tomb, there are those who believe that she was buried with Mark Antony, her lover. Even though there are reports from some archaeologists who claim to have found Cleopatra's burial place, its true location remains unknown.

9 – The million dollar can

A couple found a tin that contained over 1,400 gold coins. The unusual event occurred in 2013. However, no one knows to whom these coins belonged. Another fun fact is that the discovery of the object was made in Gold Country, California, and the coins were verified as coming from the Gold Rush era, approximately. Most of the coins found were worth $20, but these coins are currently valued at $10 million. The United States Mint reported having no information linking the values ​​to any manufacturer, allowing the lucky couple to keep the wealth found.

10 – The WOW signal

When the subject is aliens, several reports are published and commented. However, in the late 1970s, there was more stark evidence. This is a signal captured by the Big Ear Radio telescope at Ohio State University, which captured a 72-second signal. Such a signal was named “Wow”, and it was never captured again, without any justification that makes it attempt at alien communication is clear, but it remains the greatest symbol of evidence for life beyond Earth. Earth.

11 - Festus' Disk

Many ancient objects have engravings different from those that are easily recognizable today. However, Festo's record remains intelligible to this day. There are those who believe it is a calendar, while others think it is a board game. The reality is that the object found in Festus, Crete, remains undefined.

12 - The Missing Crew

A merchant ship is seen as a mysterious object. The name of the ship in question was Joyita, and in 1955, the vessel simply disappeared from the South Pacific. Despite being designed not to sink, the boat is gone. When it was found, some time later, it was clearly floating, but did not have a single crew member. In theory, 25 people boarded, and none were found.

13 - The preserved princess

Xin Zhui was royalty, dying in 163 BC in China. When they found his burial place, there was also a body preserved for more than 2,000 years post-decease. The body had blood in its veins, hair, eyelashes, and surprisingly, melon seeds in its stomach.

14 – The meat bath

A woman, by the name of Crouch, witnessed an unexplained natural phenomenon in the year 1876. She was sitting on the porch and saw red meat rain down from the sky. At first, she believed it to be some curse or divine message. However, despite the investigations made, there is no clear answer to the event. It may have been vultures regurgitating meat, having been startled while flying after feeding.

15 – The disappearance of the Prime Minister

The Prime Minister of Australia, who remained in office until 1966, disappeared in a completely inexplicable way. Harol Edward Holt went with his friends for a swim at Cheviot beach. Out of nowhere, his body was sucked into the ocean, and witnesses say he was gone. An extensive search was carried out for the politician, but no evidence was seen.

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