Time: spare you one

During the course of the day, do you find yourself with so many activities that you can't take a break? If your answer is yes, it is time to reassess your daily life. Taking time for yourself is essential to making the routine more enjoyable.

Carrying out one task after another can be very taxing. So, take a moment in your schedule to invest in yourself. Contrary to what many people think, creating time for yourself does not mean neglecting activities. By achieving well-being, you will even be able to perform them better.

At home, for example, a suggestion to find free time implies a good distribution of domestic tasks. Check out some tips and earn fifteen minutes a day to take care of yourself:
• Depending on the priority, make a list of tasks;
• Distribute tasks evenly on all days of the week, so you avoid getting overwhelmed on any;
• Ask other family members for help, such as making the bed when you wake up and putting dirty clothes in the hamper;
• Keep in mind that some tasks need to be done daily, such as making the bed, washing the dishes; but others, such as washing and ironing clothes, cleaning doors and windows, do not need to be done every day.

By Patricia Lopes
Brazil School Team

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/saude/tempo-dispense-um-voce.htm

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