Submarine finds mysterious giant 'ghost jellyfish' in California

Finding records of sharks, whales, dolphins and other marine animals is not very difficult nowadays, both in person and virtually. With the advancement of technology, we have the possibility to know animals that we didn't even think existed.

Because of this, scientists have found a jellyfish that has dimensions much larger than what we know today. It was thanks to a remotely controlled submarine that the animal could be recorded, as it was located almost 1 km deep. Follow the case of this giant jellyfish.

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Read more: Meet the jellyfish, a marine animal over 650 million years old

the giant jellyfish

It was in California, more precisely on the coast of Monterey, that the curious animal was “walking around” when a high-tech submarine located it. Despite being a jellyfish, it is introduced in the species gigantic stygiomedusa, which has some characteristics that are different from those we find around when we go to the beach.

According to scientists, the record was made when the submarine was at a depth of 975 meters. They claim that the jellyfish is about 10 m long, with purple tones on the body, being very dark. The animal has elongated “braids” that are its weapon for hunting smaller prey.

Just for the sake of comparison, the famous jellyfish we know have varied sizes, ranging from 2 to 45 centimeters.

Why do we find it so few times?

Despite the more than 650 million years of jellyfish, this curious species has only about 100 records since its “discovery” in 1889. But this has an explanation. Understand:

1. The limit of human diving

Without any equipment, the human being can only withstand 18 meters of depth when diving. With equipment, the limit is increased, but still does not exceed 350 meters. As the jellyfish was at a depth of 975 meters, it is impossible to obtain many records of the species.

2. The register

On the other hand, currently, with technology in its favor, man manages to overcome the established barriers. With the submarine being remotely controlled, the record was possible even with the animal located at almost 1 km of depth. However, due to difficult access, few studies have been carried out on this species, making it rare and accumulating many mysteries to be unraveled.

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