With each passing day, issues related to cognitive issues are being discussed more.
In this sense, experts say that people who want to age well, mentally, need to start exercising their memory from a young age.
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With that in mind, there are some habits harmful to human memory that need to be known and avoided. We'll detail each of them below!
Help your brain not age prematurely
Check below some situations that can lead to damage mental:
1. Use of Benadryl
For those who don't know, Benadryl is a very popular anti-allergy. However, studies have been conducted and it has been concluded that overuse of this drug can cause early dementia and memory loss.
This scenario occurs because the composition of the medicine contains a substance called diphenhydramine, which, at high dosages, greatly increases the risk of dementia in patients.
2. Take photos
Do you believe that having the habit of taking pictures can be harmful to the health of our
brain? This is because, according to experts, when you photograph something, the brain tends to observe and store less information. That is, he understands that he does not need to process so many details, since the photograph has been taken.3. Working multiple shifts in a row
This occurs when the worker decides to do a non-stop 24-hour shift. Studies have already proven that this practice is very harmful to brain health, contributing to a loss of focus and a constant state of alert. In addition, of course, it promotes disturbances in sleep and mood.
4. practice shooting games
Although much is said about the benefits that video games can provide to the brain, studies show that this is not always the case. This is because some of them can, in fact, be harmful. As an example, we can mention shooting games.
In turn, this type of game can negatively affect the hippocampus. Research has revealed that shooter game fans often end up with a decrease in the part of the brain where some memoirs short-term are stored.