Technology is entering many areas of our daily lives. Today, it is possible for robots to create imagesand even complete short stories with a simple direction. The result is so good that it is difficult to know if the text was made by Artificial intelligence or by a human being.
Although it is difficult to know what is human work and what is digital work, it is not an impossible task. Senior researcher at the Google Brain research unit, Daphne Ippolito, gave some tips so that we can know whether or not a text was made by Artificial Intelligence. Keep reading and find out about them.
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Aspects that may indicate that the text was made by an AI
Among the points that are common to artificial intelligence are:
1. too simple language
According to Daphne, a computer-generated text is based on “predictions” and possibilities of the most likely words in a sentence. Therefore, Artificial Intelligence is based on more common words.
2. many articles
Another indicator that a text was digitally generated is the repetition of articles. In English, it guides you to pay attention to the amount of “the”. However, in Portuguese, we must pay attention to: “o”, “a”, “os”, “as”, “um”, “uma”, “uns” and “umas”.
In addition, the researcher states that “it” and “is” are also very common. So, we should also scour the texts for “this”, “this” and conjugations of the verb “to be”.
3. too straight
According to Daphne Ippolito, too “clean” text should also light up a warning sign. That is, a text without slang, regionalisms or styles characteristic of the author.
She also points out that typing errors are also proof that it was made by human hands, and not by a computer program.
Still in doubt if the text was made by Artificial Intelligence?
There are some software capable of pointing out whether a text was made by human hands or computer algorithms. However, Daphne's tip is to train her skills with a “game” created by herself.
In the website Real or Fake Text, you are faced with a story told little by little. Your challenge is to find out how far a human wrote it and how far a machine went.
Unfortunately, the site is only available in English. If you are fluent in the language, it is an excellent way to train your skills to differentiate one script from another.
Graduated in Social Communication at the Federal University of Goiás. Passionate about digital media, pop culture, technology, politics and psychoanalysis.