Here's How Some "Silent Wounds" Are Damaging Your Happiness

Small psychological traumas can arise from various areas of our lives, such as social, family and cultural factors.

External expectations, such as the pressure to fit certain patterns of behavior, can also trigger small traumas over time, due to the emotional distress they cause.

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In the book “Pequenos Traumas”, the renowned psychologist Dr. Meg Arroll addresses the little ones traumas, which are scratches and psychological and emotional tensions that we face in our daily lives and can harm happiness.

How to deal with trauma?

While these minor traumas may not lead to serious mental health issues that would require a doctor or psychiatrist to intervene, they can affect our well-being.

Therefore, it is important to know how to deal with them. Dr. Arroll proposes the CAA approach, which means awareness, acceptance and action, as a way to face these traumas. This technique is divided into three steps.

Awareness is the first step in understanding why we feel a certain way. We must become aware of our feelingsand recognize its origin.

Then comes the acceptance phase, in which we must accept and understand the impact these traumas have had on our lives. It's important to take time to reflect on what happened and how it affected us before moving on.

However, awareness and acceptance alone are not enough. Action is the last step and also essential.

We must take concrete measures to deal with small traumas, seeking professional support, practicing self care, setting healthy boundaries, and adopting effective strategies for dealing with stress.

Reading “Pequenos Traumas” reminds us of the importance of recognizing and dealing with the daily traumas we face.

By applying the approach, we can strengthen our mental health and promote our well-being in the midst of everyday demands.

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