Even in 2023, gender inequality in the workplace work it is still a latent issue. And those who say that the problem is only in the private sphere are wrong. Public servants also suffer from differences in wages, opportunities and, above all, respect at work.
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According to a survey carried out by the website República.org, in 27 units of the federation, women continue to receive lower wages than men in public administration. The only exception is payments above five minimum wages.
The only states where this does not happen are: Amapá, Mato Grosso do Sul, Pará and Roraima.
And in the public sector?
Still on the survey, it reveals the chasms that exist in the Brazilian states and the different levels of government
At the federal level, black women in public services represent 34.7%, followed by white women (29.5%) and black men with 21.4%. But when it comes to direction and management at the municipal level, this number drops to 22.9% of black female managers.
In the state civil service, women are also in the minority. At the federal level, this position goes to white men with 32.6%. In leadership positions at the federal level, only 11.8% are black managers.
What is missing for women to conquer the highest positions?
For the PhD in Political Science, Vanessa Campagna, there is a lack of subsidies and incentives for women in public administration. Basic Information Surveys (MUNIC) reveal that only 2.7% of the 5,568 Brazilian municipalities have leadership and advisory positions for women.
Even when the states were consulted in the same year, none of them answered whether or not they invested in this type of policy.
For the Master in Political Science and data analyst at República.org, Paula Frias, some initiatives accompanied by other policies that attract women for the various positions, can mitigate these gender disparities.