9 steps to increase productivity and improve results

Generating more results with less effort: generally speaking, this is the concept of productivity at work.

According to author and productivity expert Hayley Watts, mechanisms used in the workplace to increase productivity, such as multitasking and quick fixes, don't work.

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In addition, they make us more prone to error, as the brain takes longer to quickly focus on two different activities.

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Procrastination is also another obstacle present when our energy and focus are not good. Allied to everyday distractions - such as cell phone notifications -, we end up postponing the completion of a task more and more.

Still according to the expert, to increase productivity at work and manage realistic goals, it is necessary to experiment with different tools and mindsets that suit your way of working. to work.

Check out nine Watts tips that can help you channel your productivity at work!

1. Find a distraction-free place to work

Are you or do you know someone who works better at night? This is often because they know they won't be interrupted during that time.

So if you want to bring that into the day, try changing your work environment. Find a room that is less crowded and free of distracting noise.

2. Learn to communicate better

An audio, an emoji or a message. There are different forms of communication and also different forms of interpretation.

The world of work is wide and involves different and unique ways of acting and communicating. However, there are also many tools that can help us with this diversity of behaviors.

Watts explains that we need to change our relationship with these tools, as so much stress and uncertainty stems from the ways in which we communicate with each other.

3. Prioritize making a difference for others

What job is on your to-do list that reaches the most people? Which will have the greatest impact?

Start your day with the activity that will make a significant change for others rather than with the person who is “screaming the loudest” at you.

4. Identify different approaches to the same problem

Don't restrict yourself to just one option. Have a range of different ways and approaches to deal with the same problem.

One way to accomplish this is by listening to newcomers to your work. Most of the time, they have new ideas and experiences from different areas. So listen to their questions and consider taking action as they indicated.

5. Watch how you collaborate with others

For leaders, team qualification is important. If you face the same problem every day, it's because you haven't trained your team to solve that problem.

6. practice mindfulness

Mindfulness, a word that can be translated as “mindfulness”, refers to the practice of focusing completely on the present, without thinking about what has happened or what is to come.

The technique covers different types of meditation that can help you make better decisions and be more patient.

7. plan yourself

What do you do today that your future self will be grateful for?

Watts reinforces the importance of weekly reviews and checklists of your goals and goals. This planning not only helps keep projects on track, but also serves as a reminder to take breaks when needed.

8. Seek calm in everyday life

Learn to solve problems with more logic than emotion. That way, you will gain control of your day, your workload and your tasks, taking anxiety away from your mind.

Writing to-do lists and crossing off each activity you complete can also provide a sense of calm and accomplishment.

9. move the body

We are not invincible superheroes with special powers. Mistakes are part of us and are more likely to happen when we are tired, exhausted or multitasking.

So move. Go for a walk, rest, take breaks from the computer – these activities are important for restoring energy levels.

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