Find the best organizing approach for you: what's your style?

Nowadays being organized is essential to handle all the activities we need to perform. Organization professionals, the so-called Personal Organizer, point out that it is necessary to identify the style of right organization for each person, as it will be easier and faster to apply routines and habits of organization.

The ClutterBug organization style

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More and more people are understanding that having a routine and organization habits is fundamental to having better working conditions, it is a more balanced personal routine and satisfactory.

This need influences trends in organizational systems,

So that people can have calmer routines, reducing the clutter and stress of everyday life.

Among the various styles of organization, there is the philosophy ClutterBug, this is a system developed by organizer Cas Aarssen, where disorganized people are divided into four categories, which help to maintain domestic organization.

What are the 4 types of people ClutterBug

butterfly people

They are those people who love to put on a great show, that is, they love to organize their belongings in open systems of organization so that they are very visible and exposed, normally do not like closed storage to store your things.

Therefore, organizers suggest using transparent boxes to organize utensils, hooks and pearls to hang things, using shelves on the walls.

ladybug people

They are those who love that their things are beautiful and attractive, at least the ones that are visible, however, their closets and other compartments are usually quite disorganized.

In order for this type of person to maintain domestic organization, it is necessary to adopt a simple system of storage, it is also advisable to label your belongings by category, helping to put them in their places suitable. Also, you need to be less of a perfectionist, because perfection gets in the way of the process.

cricket people

These are people who love “Pinterest-Perfect” organization styles, that is, they want everything to be extremely perfect, which can greatly disrupt the organization process. Therefore, experts advise that this type of person abandon perfectionism, establish an organization schedule and document the process so that it becomes simple and fast.

bees people

The last type of people, according to the ClutterBug philosophy, are the so-called bee people, this type in particular loves to do DIY activities, the famous “do it yourself”. This characteristic makes them have many incomplete projects, as they are always starting new ones.

For this type of person, the best tip is to use open storage, have a well-planned routine and store your craft supplies in one, so you'll have everything you need to complete a project at your fingertips. range.

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