7 High-Paying Careers That Only Require an Elementary School

The professions required in the labor market are offered according to the level of education. Some opportunities arise for those who have the elementary School, high school or higher education. What differentiates each of these levels is the salary expectation, since the higher the position, the greater the requirement to assume the vacancy.

For those with only elementary education, there are good jobs available that pay a good salary. In this article, we present 7 professions available for this level of education.

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7 professions for elementary school graduates

Among the options for professional positions for people with this level of education are:

1. Civil firefighter

Here is a great opportunity for anyone wanting to enter the job market. A 200-hour training will be required to acquire the necessary knowledge of the profession to work at events.

A Civil Firefighter earns between R$ 1,500 to R$ 2,000 per month.

2. Gardener

A 44-hour week job, with a salary starting at R$ 1,625, the gardener needs to have experience with gardening condominiums and houses.

3. Mechanic

If your passion is in the business automotive, know that mechanics can be a very good area. The starting salary is BRL 1,615, which can increase according to experience, reaching more than BRL 2,022.

4. Seller

The focus will be on sales and it is necessary to have good communication, be charismatic and responsible. The work can be more than 40 hours a week, often needing to work on Sundays. The salary can also be higher than R$ 1,596.

5. Hairdresser

In the field of beauty, if your aptitude is in taking care of male or female hair, know that there are not many requirements beyond your own professionalism and talent.

A technical course, for example, is already an excellent guarantee. The starting salary can be R$ 1,500, which can increase over time.

6. Concierge

The job of a porter or concierge agent is one of the most offered professions on the market. The average salary is R$ 1,346 depending on the vacancy.

7. Chef

The cook vacancy will offer a growing proposition over time. It is necessary to become professional to be able to grow in the job, receiving a salary of R$ 1,424 for 43 hours a week.

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