Important nutrients for the diet

In fact, with each passing day, it has become a habit for people to take more care of their health and worry about the food they are eating. A significant increase in disposition and well-being is also common. There are a variety of nutrient-rich foods and dietary supplements. See below some nutrients important for the diet.

Importance of including nutrient-rich foods in your diet

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Research confirms that, in extremely cold periods, the body suffers greatly from low temperature levels and that well-being is directly affected. Therefore, it is important to maintain a diet rich in vitamins and minerals to support immune health.

But after all, what foods are important in these periods?

According to the Master in Nutrition and Dietetics and nutritionist Nutrabay Navneet Kaur, ideally, people should focus on foods rich in vitamins C and D, zinc, iron, dietary fiber and omega-3 fatty acids. Also, it's important to stay very hydrated.

Shikha Dwivedi, dietitian and nutritionist at OZiva, said that vitamin D will always be there in diets, as it is the only one that can be synthesized by the human body through the action of light solar.

What about vitamin C and zinc? What do the professionals have to say?

They are one of the most complex mechanisms in your body, it is able to protect you against many diseases, such as, for example, sore throat, fever, flu and cold.

In particular, zinc helps the immune system to defend the body against viruses and bacteria during very cold periods. In addition, he is able to paralyze the reproduction of germs.

Still dealing with zinc, it prevents the release of histamine and controls the metabolism of prostaglandins, thus reducing inflammatory reactions caused by flu or colds.

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