The French fries in the Air Fryer don't get crispy? See how to solve

The Air Fryer was a real event in world cuisine, especially for everyday amateur cooks. After all, through it, it is possible to reinvent various dishes in a much healthier way, given the absence of oil. However, there are those who say that french fries in air fryer it gets soft, but, with a simple trick, it is possible to solve it, check it out!

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Many people have already given up trying to make French fries in the Air Fryer and opted to do it the traditional way, which guarantees that the flavor and texture are impeccable. After all, we're not just looking for a potato that's healthy, but one that also tastes great and is crunchy just the way we like it.

However, what few know is that it is very possible to make crispy potatoes even if it is in the Air Fryer. In fact, what will determine that the potatoes have the right consistency, which is crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, is paying attention to the amount added in the fryer basket.

In this case, the biggest mistake would be to put too many potatoes, which will prevent all of them from receiving the heat equally, therefore making them less crispy. On the contrary, if you put fewer potatoes, there will be better heat distribution. However, pay attention to the main secret that we will tell you below.

Secret to Crispy Potatoes in the Air Fryer

The big secret for the potatoes to be very crispy, even when made in the Air Fryer, is to put them in just one layer in the basket. That is, place such an amount that there is not one potato on top of the other, as this will greatly affect their quality. On the other hand, it's okay for them to touch each other on the sides.

So, line the basket with potatoes in a single layer and, if you want to make a large amount, repeat the process several times until you have a portion the size of your hunger. With this tip, you will certainly have fries in the Air Fryer with the correct texture and without the harmful fat of frying.

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