Understand how 'sharing' can put your child in danger on social media

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O "sharing“, a term that combines the words “sharing” and “parenting” (raising children), refers to the practice of parents sharing information and photos of their children on social networks.

While this may seem like a fun and convenient way to document your children's lives and share special moments with friends and family, there are also security and privacy concerns to be considered.

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Sharing information about your children on the internet can expose your children's lives to a wide and unknown audience, which can have negative consequences.

This information can be misused by third parties, such as malicious people who seek to exploit childrenor steal identities. Learn more below!

Effects of 'sharing'

Children deserve privacy

Leah Plunkett, author of the book Sharenthood: Why We Should Consider Before Sharing About Our Children Online, addresses the complexity of the “sharing” phenomenon.

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According to Plunkett, it is crucial that we reflect before sharing information about our children online, as all children deserve to have a private space to play, make mistakes and grow without unwanted exposure to the 3rd.

She highlights the importance of allowing children a range of personal freedom to explore and develop, without the constant scrutiny of others, both in the present and in the future. future.

Fraud and Scams

OWest Bengal CID issued a warning to parents about the dangers associated with “sharing” and how it can result in personal information being exposed in the hands of cyber criminals.

The local police pointed out that this practice can lead to cases of photo manipulation and even “digital kidnapping”, which can have serious consequences.

Your child can become a hostage of the digital environment

As a parent, it's important to be aware of how much of your child's life you are sharing online. These days, many parents choose to share vlogs and other content online that detail their child's moments of the day.

Child mental health experts warn that this could allow strangers to intrude on your child's space. It is crucial that parents are responsible for their children's digital footprint and make informed choices about what they are revealing to the world.

Sharing excessive information can lead to invasion of the child's privacy and potentially put him or her at risk.

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