Hangman: Find the planets in this galaxy!

Alone or accompanied, play hangman game it's always challenging and a lot of fun. The game is a classic and conquers the hearts of all ages for its practicality and way of entertaining. So, if you like astronomy, you just found the perfect distraction for your day. Can you find the planets on this gallows? Scroll down and enjoy!

Read more: How about a Eurotrip trying to guess the countries that are on the gallows today?

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Hangman Over the Galaxy

Our galaxy is full of planets that coexist and if you are passionate about astronomy, you probably know the name of most of them. So, what do you think of testing your knowledge in a fun game of hangman?

Hangman game

If you've never played or don't even know what a hangman game is, it's a traditional game that's simple and practical to play. It is possible to play hangman anywhere, usually with friends and be distracted in occasions such as the waiting room or even during a trip.

In addition to entertaining, the game also has educational purposes, widely used in schools, with it people learn more about varied topics, expand vocabulary, improve spelling, help with listening comprehension, written. In addition, it still serves as a great support for dyslexic children.

How to play?

The game has a predefined theme which will serve as a basis for the word that will need to be discovered, after the word has been chosen, each participant will have the right to guess a letter to reveal which word is in question before falling into strength.

With each letter guessed, if correct, it will fill in the word, if wrong, a member of a doll will be drawn on the gallows, in total there are 6 members to be drawn until you are hanged, therefore, 7 chances of error when total. The game ends either when the word is discovered, this option being a win, or when the doll is all drawn on the gallows, this option being a loss.


Hangman is a game that allows few chances of mistakes, so your guesses have to be assertive. So, if you know about the topic, think of words that contain the predefined amount of letters and start your guesses thinking about them. In case you have no idea where to start, it is recommended to start with the vowels, after all, the word is likely to contain one of them.

challenge 1

Now, knowing how the game works, here is the first challenge of our gallows.

Hangman game.

With only 5 letters and 3 to solve, I bet you can guess it before you hang.

Hangman game.

Now there are only two letters left, if you still don't know, think a little more before going down, because here is the result.

Hangman game.

challenge 2

In our second challenge, the word is a little bigger, but I bet you can do it!

Hangman game.

There are 7 letters in total and two have already been revealed, come on, you can do it!

Hangman game.


Only 3 letters left, it's closer than ever. If you haven't figured it out yet, be careful when you go down, because here's the result.

Hangman game.

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