This Wednesday (29), the National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa) determined the interruption of production, sale, distribution and use of all food products from Fugini, a company located in Monte Alto, São Paulo, which manufactures tomato sauces, mayonnaise, mustard, ketchup, straw potatoes and preserves vegetables.
The Agency adopted this preventive measure after a health inspection at the factory in São Paulo, where serious problems were found. related to good manufacturing practices, such as hygiene, quality control, safety of raw materials, pest control and traceability.
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These failures can affect the quality and safety of the final product, according to the regulatory body. The suspension of commercialization and distribution will only be valid for products in stock at the company, and the resumption of activities will only be allowed after adapting the manufacturing process to the standards established by Anvisa.
In addition, the agency will collect batches of mayonnaise that used expired raw material. Anvisa clarifies that expired foods, including their raw materials, are considered inappropriate for consumption, according to the Consumer Protection Code, and its sale or consumption is an infraction sanitary. Therefore, the recall aims to remove products from the market that may harm the health of the consumer.
According to Anvisa, adequate manufacturing standards consist of a set of measures that food producing companies must adopt in order to ensure the healthiness of these items. These standards include a variety of guidelines relating to food production, from maintaining physical and hygienic conditions of the facilities to the management of the quality of raw materials and the product finished.
In addition, they involve aspects such as employee health and training, infestation control, storage, transport and documentation, among others.
Fugini's reply
Fugini commented on the incident through social networks. In a statement, the company stated that the inspected manufacturing unit has already modified the internal processes and procedures indicated.
“In our commitment to transparency and respect for consumers, we clarify the inaccurate information that has been propagated on social media. We underwent an inspection at one of our factories, located in Monte Alto – SP, which resulted in the request for changes in some internal processes and procedures. We will comply with and promptly adjust the points mentioned. It is essential to point out that there are no recalled batches and the sale and consumption of our products continues normally at retail points of sale”, said the company.