Do you already know this amazing Waze function for emergencies?

With the daily increase in technology, route apps could not be left out. Nowadays it is not enough just to have your private vehicle, you also have to know how to navigate the streets of your city. Therefore, Waze emerged to make life easier for many drivers. However, now the app has the option to provide emergency support for users. you who are driver and enjoy using the Waze application, see below the new function that will help drivers in times of emergencies.

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Check now how to use the emergencies option in Waze

Today, Waze is among the most used apps to assist drivers with routes. However, in addition to this resource, it is also possible to access emergency support.

The application, after having access to all the regions where there is some type of emergency, gathers all of them and sends them to the drivers. The idea is to make them avoid going to the places highlighted by the application.

This support has been present in the application for a long time, but not all drivers know how to use it correctly. Among the situations it indicates, we can highlight the natural disasters that compromise the roads and, also, the unforeseen events that can occur with the vehicle.

Drivers can activate the main public agencies through the application, such as: Firefighters, Samu, Police and among others. Waze allows:

  • Unusual traffic update;
  • Change, in real time, the map;
  • Feed of incidents and road closures;
  • Include pins on the map to inform emergency centers.

The main objective of this feature is to make drivers collaborate with each other, indicating the most critical points on the map and, thus, making the route safer for others. And, also, there is the resource that allows you to follow the traffic in real time.

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