How to reduce air pollution

Among the essential elements for life, air is one of the main ones. Even with enormous relevance for living beings, the air has suffered drastic impacts from human action.
Human activities cause air pollution, which can result in enormous damage to nature and to man himself.
In recent years, what stands out the most in the media are news related to the climate, such as: a air pollution that is generated by the burning of fossil fuels, emission of industrial gases, fires, among others.
This has caused an increase in global temperatures, greenhouse effect, rise in ocean levels, among others that are related. Given the situation, it is necessary that today's society takes strict attitudes towards air pollution.
There are numerous corrective and preventive tips to try to alleviate this problem, including:
• Set limits on pollution levels in urban and rural environments.
• Strict criteria regarding gas emission standards.
• Periodic monitoring of polluting sources.
• Encourage the use of less polluting technologies.

• Use of equipment that reduces the levels of emitted gases, including: automotive catalysts, de-polluting filters in industrial chimneys, among others.
• Constantly monitor places where solid waste is deposited, so that there are no fires.
• Daily air quality control.
• Promote the reforestation of degraded areas.
• Preparation of preventive projects against possible large proportions of atmospheric pollution.
• Control burning (crops, pastures and forests).
• Avoid the use of pesticides, giving preference to biological control.
• Preservation of natural forests.
• Implementation of a quality public transport system.
• Creation and expansion of green areas in urban areas, such as tree-lined squares, ecological parks, gardens, etc.

By Eduardo de Freitas
Graduated in Geography

Source: Brazil School -

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