Did Elon Musk regret it? Daily tweet limit has been changed again

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The owner of the social network Twitter, Elon Musk, he has made several changes to the platform since taking office.

This time, after being heavily criticized by users, he changed the temporary reading limit from 600 daily posts to 1,000 tweets. This measure is specific to users who do not pay for the verified badge for the platform.

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As of now, verified accounts are capped at 10k. For unverified accounts this is 1,000 posts, and for new accounts, up to 500 posts.

The limitation came after Musk declared that the idea is to deal with “extreme levels of data extraction and system manipulation”. He declared that he will take legal action against those who stole the platform's data.

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Since last Saturday (1st), users have been receiving the following message “Limit rate exceeded”. The measure is to try to relieve the company's servers, which are currently overloaded.

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Apparently, the CEO of Twitter is fighting data scraping – or the tracking of user posts. This practice is used by artificial intelligence projects, such as ChatGPT.

Furthermore, users who are not logged in cannot view tweets and platform content – ​​and this is a way of restricting or capturing user behavior.

Musk's speeches do not address server overload

Although this is one of the reasons for limiting the user's tweets, the owner of the social network did not speak about the value that these servers cost.

Linda Yaccarino, the company's new president, is in talks with Google – as they use Google Cloud to successfully combat child abuse and spam.

It is estimated that the debt is around US$ 20 million. In addition, Twitter did not pay for Amazon Web Services services for a while (AWS).

Several users of the bluebird platform have been unhappy with the various changes Musk has made to the social network since he took the lead.


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