Goat (Genus Capra)

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Kingdom animalia
Phylum Chordata
Class Mammalia
Order Artiodactyla
Family bovidae
Gender capra

Goats, goats are animals belonging to the species capra aegagrus or capra hircus. The offspring are popularly called goats, which are bred by females for about 150 days, with a life expectancy of twenty years.

Small in size, with a body with a significant amount of hair and the presence of a beard and horn, these animals emit a characteristic sound, called bleating. They are very resistant to different types of climate, and not very selective in terms of food.

The difference between the populations of these two species is that capra hircus they are domesticated individuals; and capra aegagrus, those in their wild, and currently in a vulnerable state, according to the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

Goats are among the first animals to be domesticated by our species, around 7000 years BC. C, in the Middle East, with the aim of removing their wool, milk and meat. Until the present times, they are also required, although their meat and milk are less appreciated than those of bovine and pork origin. Your skin and manure are also used.

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Our country has the ninth largest goat herd in the world, and this activity is predominantly developed for subsistence, mainly in the Northeast region. Its milk and dairy products are little explored, although they are much required in cases of people with weakened immune systems, as they are more nutritious; and have a very high potential for acceptance, both in the domestic and foreign markets.

Thus, there is a lack of greater investments in techniques and specialized personnel capable of meeting the demands and demands of consumers.

By Mariana Araguaia
Biologist, specialist in Environmental Education


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