CNPq announced that technology and extension grants will have a readjustment of up to 94%. The announcement was made last Tuesday (18) and can benefit almost 6,500 scholarship holders throughout Brazil.
The National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) offers scholarships for academic training and the execution of projects in different modalities. In all, eight categories of scholarships will be contemplated with the new table of values.
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In a note from CNPq and the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI), it is described that the impact will be R$ 202 million on the budget of the institutions.
You financial resources will be offered by partner institutions and various public bodies, including: CNPq, Fundo National Institute of Science and Technology (FNDCT), Ministry of Health and National Institute for Space Research (INPE).
The president of the institution, Ricardo Galvão, stated that: “We could not announce these readjustments before because the new values depended on of resources from external sources and, for that, studies and negotiations with each partner were necessary to define the values viable”.
With the announcement, scholarship holders of these eight modalities will receive new amounts with up to 94% readjustment:
- Technological and Industrial Initiation (ITI)
- Technological and Industrial Development (DTI)
- Visiting Specialist (VE)
- Extension in the Country (EXP)
- Technical Support in Extension in the Country (ATP)
- Establishment and Training of Human Resources - Sectorial Funds (SET)
- Support for the Dissemination of Knowledge (ADC)
- Introduction to Extensionism (IEX)
Check below the readjustments of each CNPq category and the modalities contemplated.
(Image: Freepik/Playback)
Readjustment table values
- Technological and Industrial Initiation - Level A: 35% readjustment - New value R$ 700
- Technological and Industrial Initiation - Level B: Readjustment of 86% - New amount BRL 300
- Technological and Industrial Development - Level A: Adjustment of 30% - New value BRL 5,200
- Technological and Industrial Development - Level B: Adjustment of 30% - New value R$ 3,900
- Technological and Industrial Development - Level C: Adjustment of 30% - New amount R$ 1,430
- Visiting Specialist - Level 1: 30% readjustment - New amount BRL 6,500
- Visiting Specialist – Level 2: Adjustment of 30% - New amount R$ 4,550
- Visiting Specialist – Level 3: Adjustment of 30% - New value R$ 3,250
- Extension in the Country – Level A: Adjustment of 30% - New amount BRL 5,200
- Extension in the Country – Level B: Adjustment of 30% - New value R$ 3,900
- Extension in the Country – Level C: Readjustment of 40% - New amount R$ 1,430
- Technical Support in Extension in the Country – Level A: Readjustment of 40% - New amount BRL 770
- Technical Support in Extension in the Country – Level B: Readjustment of 40% - New amount BRL 560
- Establishment and Training of Human Resources - Sectorial Funds - Level A: 30% readjustment - New amount R$ 7,800
- Establishment and Training of Human Resources - Sectorial Funds - Level B: Adjustment of 30% - New amount BRL 6,500
- Establishment and Training of Human Resources - Sectorial Funds - Level C: Adjustment of 30% - New amount BRL 5,850
- Establishment and Training of Human Resources - Sectorial Funds - Level D: Adjustment of 30% - New amount BRL 5,200
- Establishment and Training of Human Resources - Sectorial Funds - Level E: Adjustment of 30% - New amount R$ 4,550
- Establishment and Training of Human Resources - Sectorial Funds - Level F: Adjustment of 30% - New value R$ 3,900
- Establishment and Training of Human Resources - Sectorial Funds - Level G: Adjustment of 30% - New value R$ 3,250
- Establishment and Training of Human Resources - Sectorial Funds - Level H: Adjustment of 30% - New value R$ 1,950
- Establishment and Training of Human Resources - Sectorial Funds - Level I: Adjustment of 30% - New amount R$ 1,040
- Support for the Dissemination of Knowledge – Level 1A: Adjustment of 30% - New amount BRL 5,200
- Support for the Dissemination of Knowledge – Level 1B: Adjustment of 30% - New value R$ 3,900
- Support for the Dissemination of Knowledge – Level 1C: Adjustment of 30% - New amount R$ 1,430
- Support for the Dissemination of Knowledge – Level 2A: Readjustment of 45% - New amount BRL 700
- Support for Knowledge Dissemination – Level 2B: Readjustment of 24% - New value R$ 300
- Support for the Dissemination of Knowledge – Level 2C: Readjustment of 24% - New value R$ 200
- Introduction to Extensionism: Readjustment of 94% - New amount BRL 700