First-grade teacher raises 18 puppies in class, with research-proven benefits

A first-grade teacher will make herself unforgettable to her students by including dog games in the classroom.

This opportunity not only allowed the children to have fun and have contact with the animals, but also resulted in the adoption of some puppies, finding them a loving and caring home. responsible.

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This experience created special memories and left a positive impact on the lives of children and puppies, without a doubt!

Teacher Brooke, a proud foster pet mom, brought 18 puppies into her first grade classroom, providing an exciting experience for her and her students.

Teacher brings puppies to classroom

Brooke went viral on TikTok with a video that surpassed 2 million views, where she shared several adorable moments of her students interacting with the puppies.

The video shows the children playing, reading to the puppies, taking them for walks through the school hallways and even holding them in their laps during lessons.

These enchanting images illustrate how enriching and enriching this experience with the puppies has been. fun for everyone in the classroom, creating sentimental bonds and promoting a learning environment affective.

Watch the full video by clicking here

The initiative to bring foster puppies into the classroom has inspired other people who work in schools, awakening the desire to implement something similar in their own environments educational.

TikTok users expressed support and enthusiasm, highlighting the therapeutic benefits of dogs and emphasizing the importance of normalizing puppy adoption in classrooms.

The idea is spreading and sparking the interest of other educators, who are looking for ways to create even more enriching and exciting learning environments for their students.

Researchers at the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine found that having dogs present in classrooms can have significant benefits.

One school-led study involved children visiting rescue dogs once a week, reading to them aloud for short periods of time.

Results showed that 75% of parents reported a significant increase in their children's reading frequency and confidence.

This suggests that, possibly, interacting with dogs while they are reading can help to increase children's reading comprehension skills and self-confidence.

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