7 signs that your dog is happy and wants to stay at your house

Body language should be your ally when it comes to knowing if your dog is happy. That's because, in the absence of verbal communication, you must be able to become an expert in analyzing non-verbal language to know if the doggo is calm by your side.

To help you with this discovery, we've listed some signs that indicate this canine happiness. See below!

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7 signs that indicate happiness in dogs

Extremely sensitive, dogs can change their mood because of a small detail. On the other hand, when they live in a relaxed and peaceful environment, it may be unusual for the animal to show sadness.

So, be careful when watching and also consider your own happiness, because dogs can sense their owners' moods and are sad when their owners do too they are.

1. tail wagging

(Image: CanalTech/Reproduction)

Classic behavior, when you look at your pet and he has his tail wagging, know that all your smile is focused on that movement.

To better gauge the level of happiness, see if the dog also shakes its entire body. It's a clear sign that the little bug is very happy to see you, play or walk by your side.

2. Willingness to play and excessive curiosity

dogsthey like to move around, especially the larger and more athletic breeds such as German Shepherds, Rottweilers and the Azawakh.

Thus, a good indication that the animal is happy is the desire to jump, catch balls all the time and sniff absolutely every corner of the park or house.

3. Relaxed body and bright eyes

(Image: CanalTech/Reproduction)

Stressed animals often gnaw their paws as a sign of tension. But when they are relaxed and happy, the most likely posture is like the image above: eyes closed, tongue out and body very relaxed.

4. Enjoy

As in humans, the appetite— or the lack of it — tends to indicate situations of a healthy body, with animals it is no different.

Happy dogs feel pleasure in eating and eat at the times when food is available on the plate.

5. good sleep

Sleeping is an indication of body recovery. And with dogs it is no different. If your pet sleeps a lot and even snores, rest assured. He's enjoying a really good nap!

6. Trust

when the dog is happy, he is not afraid to leave the house and face the world. The same is true when visitors arrive or you're away for a long day.

If the dog is more withdrawn, it's time to turn on the warning signal, because a happy dog ​​is a confident and moving dog.

7. Always by your side

Finally, the joy of the pet is in loving you. So if he doesn't leave your side, is always on the move and wags his tail when he sees you, know that he's very happy. Oh! And the “lambeijos” won't be missing either.

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