THIS IS WHAT Venus Reveals About Your Love Preferences

If you are looking for a love relationship based on astrology, you need to know that a good match takes place according to the positioning of two planets: Venus and Mars. But mainly Venus, because it is he who tells us what we look for in the other and what captivates us the most.

Take your Astral Chart and continue reading this article to find out what most calls your attention to get a romantic partner.

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What attracts you most in people, according to Venus

Venus in Aries

Venus in Aries will make you feel attracted to someone energetic, ardent and, above all, independent. You like people who take you out of your comfort zone, with whom you can mature and grow emotionally.

Venus in Taurus

Taurus is a sign represented by Venus, therefore, it vibrates in the energy of carefree, artistic and creative people. Taureans are also very appreciative of attractive people who can provide a stable, long-lasting relationship where they can be themselves.

Venus in Gemini

Those with Venus in Gemini tend to be attracted to communicative individuals who solve their problems with great creativity and who have a sharp mind. They also appreciate people with a sharp and sarcastic sense of humor. But above all, they seek a lasting intellectual connection.

Venus in Cancer

People with Venus in Cancer seek comfort, stability and security. These people's partner must always be emotionally available and receptive for effective communication.

Venus in Leo

The combination of Venus and Leo can be a little explosive, but there's nothing to be afraid of. What they most want in a partner is for them to be trusting and loyal and to show them new ways to love every day. Also, they appreciate very devout people, and this can become a problem.

Venus in Virgo

People with this placement generally attract individuals with all the Virgo traits. That is, those who value the organization, are mature and are willing to evolve in a common project.

(Image: Disclosure)

Venus in Libra

Libra is ruled by Venus. Therefore, this position Astrology chart it's like "feeling at home". Libras tend to attract other Libras into their lives.

In addition, it also draws the attention of people who offer stability and balance — after all, the symbol of this sign is the scale, isn't it? They also want an ambitious, smelling (yes!) and charming person.

Venus in Scorpio

Intellect comes first! This is what most calls the attention of those with Venus in Scorpio. Such individuals still seek out others who are caring and devoted. They want someone with a confident and independent nature, who is willing to have a serious and deep relationship.

Venus in Sagittarius

It may not seem like it, but those with Venus in Sagittarius are quite romantic. He is easily attracted to communicative, adventurous and daring people. He wants to have a person by his side who makes him feel alive and is willing to try new things.

Venus in Capricorn

Those who have this placement in the Astral Chart generally look for ambitious partners, who value ethics and are intensely dedicated to work.

They don't usually jump right into a relationship. Rather, they prefer to be sure that the other shares the same life goals.

Venus in Aquarius

Venus in Aquarius attracts mysterious, confident and, above all, intelligent people. They want someone who thinks outside the ordinary, with whom they can explore the world together. They also value freedom, trust and, above all, loyalty.

Venus in Pisces

This placement knows how to live a good romance and wants a happy ending worthy of fairy tale. He is attracted to people who can provide him with comfort, care, stability and unconditional love.

Graduated in Social Communication at the Federal University of Goiás. Passionate about digital media, pop culture, technology, politics and psychoanalysis.

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