Check out the best exercises to alleviate colic

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Women occupy more and more space in the labor market and suffering from severe pain caused by cramps in this routine is very difficult. There are remedies that help relieve symptoms, however, for some cases, they are still ineffective. However, there are also exercises capable of softening the dreaded menstrual pains. Keep reading this article and learn more about them!

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The benefits of exercises

Menstrual cramps affect a woman's routine during her period. It is usually an intense pain that interferes with daily activities, causes discomfort and leads many women to take time off from work.

Therefore, some simple solutions for treatment are placing a warm water bag on the abdomen, drinking ginger tea and removing caffeine from the diet. These options can already ensure greater comfort and balance pain levels.

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Healthy lifestyle habits, such as constant exercise, can also help women to reduce abdominal discomfort during menstruation. But what about those cramps that resist even hot water compression?

Specific exercises for colic

According to the therapist who went viral on Tik Tok, Dr. Alicia Jeffrey-Thomas, some exercises can ease even the strongest cramps. All you need is a yoga mat and five free minutes.

Keeping your stretches regular and some basic yoga poses, such as Child Pose and Pigeon Pose, can help. Thus, the therapist recommends maintaining each of these postures for about one minute. So, breath control is also important in this exercise routine.

If you suffer from monthly cramps, how about inserting this tip into your daily life? However, if the pain is severe, it is recommended to see a gynecologist to assess each specific condition. Very strong and recurring colic needs specialized evaluation. Therefore, consult your trusted doctor and intensify the treatment with the execution of the exercises.

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