Geography lesson plan (7th grade)

Check out the geography lesson plan for the 7th year of Elementary School, according to the BNCC - National Common Curricular Base.

The plan brings a suggested approach and direction for the class, with a fixation activity at the end.

Geography Lesson Plan (7th grade) - From Mercantilism to Capitalism
Theme world of work
knowledge objects

Production, circulation and consumption of goods

Social inequality and work

Ability (EF07GE05) Analyze facts and situations representative of the changes that occurred between the mercantilist period and the advent of capitalism.
(EF07GE06) Discuss to what extent the production, circulation and consumption of goods cause environmental impacts, as well as influence the distribution of wealth in different places.
  • Understand the changes that occurred between the mercantilist period and the advent of capitalism.
  • Identify the main economic, political and social characteristics of the mercantilist period and capitalism.
  • Analyze the implications of these changes for today's world and for socioeconomic development.
  • Investigate the environmental and social impacts caused by the advance of capitalism.
  • Mercantilist period and primitive accumulation.
  • Emergence of capitalism and its phases.
  • Economic, political and social characteristics of the mercantilist period and capitalism
  • Implications of the changes for today's world and for socioeconomic development.
  • Social and environmental impacts of capitalism throughout history.
Duration Approximately 4 lessons of 50 minutes each.
Didactic resources
  • Chalkboard or chalkboard.
  • Images of paintings that represent the mercantilist period.
  • Videos and photos that represent capitalism, social inequality and environmental problems.
  • Materials for making posters (cardboard, markers, ink, glue, images, etc.).
  • Expository class on the changes that occurred between the mercantilist period and the advent of capitalism, addressing the main economic, political and social characteristics of each period.
  • Analysis of images and videos to illustrate the mercantilist period and the phases of capitalism.
  • Debate on the differences and similarities between the two periods and their relationship with the current world.
  • Group activities for reflection on the impact of social and environmental changes that occurred in the mercantile period and the advent of capitalism.
  • Participation in activities proposed in class;
  • Continuous assessment through discussions and application of tests/exercises according to the pedagogical architecture of each school;

See also in Toda Matter:

  • Characteristics of Mercantilism
  • Mercantilism
  • Transition from Feudalism to Capitalism
  • capitalist mode of production
  • characteristics of capitalism
  • Commercial Capitalism
  • Questions about Capitalism

Activity on Mercantilism and Capitalism

At first, students should divide into groups and select one of the topics below:

  • Characteristics of Mercantilism;
  • Commercial Capitalism;
  • Industrial Capitalism;
  • Financial Capitalism;
  • Socioeconomic impacts of capitalism;
  • Environmental impacts of capitalism;

The groups must create posters that represent the themes above, using selected texts and images. Finally, the posters must be displayed in the classroom or school corridors, to generate visibility and reflection for students from other classrooms and grades.

See too:

  • Lesson plan (how to, model and examples)
  • Geography Lesson Plan (7th grade) - Demographics of the Brazilian Population
  • Geography Lesson Plan (7th Grade) - Traditional Peoples and Communities
  • Geography Lesson Plan (7th Year) - Formation of Brazil

MARQUES, Vinicius. Geography lesson plan (7th grade) - From Mercantilism to Capitalism.All Matter, [n.d.]. Available in: Access at:

See too

  • Mercantilism
  • Lesson plan (how to, model and examples)
  • Geography Lesson Plan (7th Year) - Formation of Brazil
  • Geography Lesson Plan (7th Grade) - Traditional Peoples and Communities
  • Geography lesson plan (8th grade) - Migrations
  • Portuguese lesson plans (2nd year of Elementary School)
  • Geography Lesson Plan (7th grade) - Demographics of the Brazilian Population
  • Arts Lesson Plans for Elementary School II
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