Geography lesson plan (6th grade)

Check out the geography lesson plan for the 6th year of elementary school, according to the BNCC - National Common Curricular Base.

The plan brings a suggested approach and direction for the class, with a fixation activity at the end.

Geography Lesson Plan (6th grade) - Earth Movements, Climate and Atmospheric Weather
Theme connections and scales
knowledge objects Relationships between physical and natural components

(EF06GE03) Describe the motions of the planet and their relationship to the general circulation of the atmosphere, atmospheric weather, and weather patterns.

  • Understand the movements carried out by planet Earth and their consequences;
  • Understand how time zones work;
  • Identify the relationship of land movements with the climate dynamics of the planet.
  • Earth movements and their consequences
  • Time zones
  • Climate and Atmospheric Weather
Duration Approximately 4 lessons of 50 minutes each.
Didactic resources
  • Blackboard or frame;
  • Flashlight;
  • Terrestrial Globe;
  • Map with the planet's time zones;
  • Images with examples of climates and temporal changes;
  • Presentation to students about the location of the Earth in the Solar System and the movements performed by the planets;
  • Explanation of the consequences of these movements and display of the time zone map;
  • Demonstration with the flashlight and the globe, followed by the time zones activity on the blackboard;
  • Explanation of the difference between weather and climate, followed by the final activity.
  • Participation in activities proposed in class;
  • Continuous assessment through discussions and application of tests/exercises according to the pedagogical architecture of each school;

See also in Toda Matter:

  • Earth Movements
  • Time zones
  • Climate and weather

Earth movement activity

The teacher should make the room as dark as possible by turning off the light and closing the curtains.

With the dark environment, he must use the flashlight to simulate the illumination of the Sun, and the terrestrial globe representing the planet.

The intention of the activity is for students to observe that the Earth will have only one side illuminated, helping to explain the time zones. In addition, it is also possible to show how, due to the tilt of the Earth, only one of the hemispheres can, at each time of the year, receive sunlight.

Time zone activity

Taking advantage of the previous activity, the teacher must project or draw (even if roughly) the map of world time zones, divided into 24 parts of 15° (totaling 360° of the globe terrestrial).

The map should be used to explain the addition and subtraction of hours according to the direction (east or west) of movement. It is also advantageous to briefly tell the story of the Greenwich Meridian to contextualize the students.

Finally, the teacher must select points on the map, such as some known capitals, and call the students to the blackboard. The student must, based on the timetable and location of a capital, calculate the timetable in another selected capital. For example: knowing that it is 10 am in Brasilia, what time does a clock in Lisbon show?

See too:

  • Lesson plan (how to, model and examples)
  • Geography lesson plan (6th grade) - Landscape
  • Geography Lesson Plan (6th grade) - Water Cycle
  • Geography Lesson Plan (6th grade) - Climate, Relief and Vegetation

Bibliographic references

BRAZIL. Ministry of Education. Common National Curriculum Base. Brasilia, 2017.

MARQUES, Vinicius. Geography Lesson Plan (6th grade) - Earth Movements and Climate.All Matter, [n.d.]. Available in: Access at:

See too

  • Geography Lesson Plan (6th grade) - Water Cycle
  • Geography Lesson Plan (6th grade) - Climate, Relief and Vegetation
  • Geography lesson plan (8th grade) - Migrations
  • Geography lesson plan (6th grade) - Landscape
  • Geography Lesson Plan (7th Grade) - Traditional Peoples and Communities
  • Geography Lesson Plan (7th grade) - Demographics of the Brazilian Population
  • Geography Lesson Plan (7th Year) - Formation of Brazil
  • Portuguese lesson plans (2nd year of Elementary School)

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