10 exercises on Hereditary Captaincies (with comments)

Get ready with Toda Matter with these 10 exercises on Hereditary Captaincies. Good studies!

What were the Hereditary Captaincies?

a) Administrative system implemented by the Portuguese Crown in Brazil in 1534, which divided the territory into horizontal bands.

b) Mode of division of the Brazilian territory that was maintained until the independence of the nation, in 1822.

c) Agreement entered into between the indigenous and Portuguese peoples with the aim of dividing the Brazilian territory with the natives.

d) Administration model that the Portuguese Crown implemented in a small part of the Brazilian territory, as a test to verify if it would be feasible to apply it later in all the rest.

e) None of the above.

Answer explained

The model of Hereditary Captaincies was the first implanted for the administration of the colony by Portugal. Initially, it divided the territory into 15 captaincies, commanded by 12 grantees.

Regarding the Hereditary Captaincies, implemented during the period of Colonial Brazil, check the INCORRECT alternative:

a) Dom João III granted the lands to Portuguese nobles, who were people of his trust. These lands were donated to these.

b) Each donated captain was considered the highest authority within his captaincy.

c) It was the responsibility of the owner of the captaincy to populate, administer, protect the territory, found villages and develop the local economy.

d) The Portuguese Crown did not provide financial assistance to grantees. These should invest from their own pocket in the received lands.

e) The captaincies belonged to the grantees and not to the Portuguese Crown. Therefore, they received fees from the king for administering these lands.

Answer explained

The territory of the captaincies was owned by the Crown. The grantees would have the right to exploit it to generate wealth and, subsequently, pay taxes to the king.

Among the reasons that led to the failure of the captaincy model, we can mention:

a) The lack of resources was crucial for this failure to happen. This was one of the reasons that led the grantees to abandon the land.

b) Despite the failure, the territories were never invaded by other peoples. Whenever a foreigner (almost always European) tried to invade the land belonging to a captaincy, he was attacked by local indigenous peoples, who had agreements with the grantees.

c) The high price charged by the Portuguese Crown for enslaved indigenous labor was the main factor that led to the failure of this administrative system.

d) After the failure of this model, the Portuguese Crown implemented a political system similar to socialism in Brazil, which explains the socialist culture present in the country in the 2000s.

e) The failure of the Hereditary Captaincies led the Portuguese Crown to abandon the Tupiniquin lands. The Portuguese only returned to occupy Brazilian territory as colonizers with the coming of the Portuguese Royal Family, in 1808.

Answer explained

The Brazilian territorial extension, added to the fact that the colony was not so attractive in the first years of colonization, generated a certain disregard of the administrators with the captaincies, who often suffered from the lack of supplies of basic necessities, which should have come from Portugal.

From the colonizing expedition of Martim Afonso, in 1530, the system of colonial administration in Brazil was that of Hereditary Captaincies. On this topic, mark what is correct:

a) Portugal decided to implement this system in 1530 for fear of losing "its" territory, which had been "invaded" by other peoples since 1500, with the arrival of Pedro Álvares Cabral.

b) The model of hereditary captaincies was implemented by the Portuguese in Brazil in an unprecedented way. At no time did they develop a similar administrative form in another territory.

c) Initially, the territory was divided into 15 captaincies, with 15 different grantees.

d) The local indigenous peoples easily accepted the entry of the Portuguese and the captaincy system, as the arrival of more civilized peoples in these lands was advantageous to them. That way they could get in touch with a culture and products they had never seen before.

e) The Hereditary Captaincies were instituted with the aim of replacing a previous model of administration of the territory, the so-called General Government. Influenced by Enlightenment ideals, which were contrary to the centralization of power, the General Government was seen as outdated by Europeans. Hence the initiative to separate the colony between 12 grantees.

Answer explained

Since the arrival of Pedro Álvares Cabral, Portugal has taken a few decades to effectively occupy Brazilian territory. This facilitated the entry of other peoples here, such as the French and the English. The implantation of the model of Hereditary Captaincies was designed with the aim of putting an end to these invasions.

(Unifesp) Among the grantees of the hereditary captaincies (1531-1534), there was no representative of the great nobility. This absence indicates that:

a) the Portuguese nobility, unlike the Spanish, had no insight into the riches of America.

b) the Portuguese Crown granted the main favors and privileges to the bourgeoisie, and not to the nobility.

c) in the system created to initiate the peopling of Brazil, there was no trace of feudalism.

d) in Portuguese America, contrary to what happened in Africa and Asia, the Crown was more democratic.

e) the possibilities of good business here were smaller than in Portugal and in other domains of the Crown.

Answer explained

The colonization of Brazilian territory, at first glance, did not prove to be very attractive to Portugal, which found greater profit in other undertakings, such as trade with the Indies. This only changed in the following centuries.

(UFV) About Hereditary Captaincies in Colonial Brazil, mark the INCORRECT statement:

a) Hereditary Captaincies could be transmitted by inheritance and with tax exemption.

b) Letters of Donations were granted to the Donee, confirming ownership of the land.

c) The so-called Foral was a code of tax duties.

d) The Hereditary Captaincies made possible the effective possession of the land.

Answer explained

The lands were not owned by the grantees. They were ceded by the Crown so that they could generate wealth from this exploration, but the lands continued to belong to the Portuguese State.

(MACKENZIE) The system of hereditary captaincies, created in Brazil in 1534, reflected the transition from feudalism to capitalism, as it presented the following characteristics:

a) The absence of international trade, combined with slave labor, and an economy focused on the domestic market.

b) A subsistence economy, free work, coexisting with strong decentralized local power.

c) Alongside menial work, a rigidly centralized administration.

d) Although with feudal traits in its political and legal structure, it developed a slave-owning, exporting economy, far removed from the medieval subsistence model.

e) A total reproduction of the feudal system, transported to the tropics.

Answer explained

Enslaved and exporting labor is a hallmark of the colonial economy that differentiated it from feudalism, which was based on servile labor and production for subsistence rather than export.

(UFU-MG) The distribution of hereditary captaincies as a system of settlement and colonization of the lands of the New World, developed by Portugal, was a planned undertaking, responding to a new need arising from the expansion overseas. Its assembly complied with certain prescriptions that were essentially based on the Donation and Charter letters, basic parts of the grantee's solution. Therefore, regarding the administration of the Portuguese State in the Brazilian Colony, through the grant system, it is incorrect to state that:

a) It was in the Crown's interest to leave the occupation of lands in the hands of private individuals, since it could not, without risking losing the East Indies, divert capital to this new company that it was starting.

b) from an economic perspective, the captaincies functioned, in the context of colonization, as great companies, with the grantee at the forefront as a businessman, directly responsible for the investment initial.

c) the political-administrative centralization of the Colony, through the grantee system, corresponded to the general interests of the grantees.

d) the hereditary donations of vast Brazilian provinces, with their free sesmaria system, were part of the colonial system itself. “The State donated titles and lands to receive currency”.

e) the broad powers given to grantees did not contradict the policy trend Portuguese, as it was important to offer conditions for the effective development of the colonization of the lands portuguese.

Answer explained

The captaincy system did not create a model of centralized power, but rather a divided one, taking into account given that each grantee could develop its administration individually in each captaincy. Furthermore, these captaincies were still owned by Portugal and not by the grantees.

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