Exercises on verbs for 9th grade

Indicate the alternative that contains the tenses of the highlighted verbs in the sentence below.

when my brother it arrived, I already had watched to the movie.

Answer explained

The perfect tense is used to indicate actions that happened in the past (arrived).

The past perfect tense is used to indicate actions that happened before other past actions. It is formed as follows: imperfect tense of the verb to have (had) + participle of the main verb (assisted).

a) When I was a child, I played in the park every day.

b) Saturday night, they watched a movie.

c) He studied all day.

d) While walking through the forest, I reflected.

Answer explained

The imperfect tense is used to indicate actions that happened in the past, but that convey the idea of ​​continuity, because they are not completely finished (walked).

As for the remaining alternatives:

a) When I was a child, I played in the park every day. (only "played" is a verb in the past tense, while "era" is a linking verb)

b) Saturday night, they watched a movie. ("watched" is a past perfect tense)

c) He studied all day. ("studied" is a verb in the past perfect tense)

Indicate the alternative that contains verbs that complete the following sentences.

i. I have _________ all the Harry Potter books.

II. They would organize everything if _________ time.

III. We _________ tomorrow.

IV. When _________ money, we will travel.

a) read, have, travel, have

b) read, had, we will travel, we have

c) I will read, have, we will travel, have

d) read, had, traveled, had

Answer explained

i. Already read all the Harry Potter books.

II. Would arrange everything if had time.

III. Us we will travel tomorrow.

IV. When we have money, we will travel.

As for the remaining alternatives:

a) read, have, travel, have All options are possible, with the exception of "have", because it is in the future subjunctive. Its use would only be correct if the verb to organize was in the future tense: They will organize everything when they have time.

c) I will read, have, we will travel, have

All options are possible, with the exception of "I will read", because it is in the future, but the word "already" is indicating a past circumstance.

d) read, had, traveled, had

All options are possible, with the exception of "we had traveled", because it is in the pluperfect tense (action that occurred before another action in the past, but the word "tomorrow" is indicating a circumstance future.

i. help the Lady!
The verb is in the imperative mood, because it expresses a request.

II. And if we let's help the Lady?
The verb is in the imperfect subjunctive tense, because it expresses the probability of something happening.

III. I would help, but I didn't arrive in time.
The verb is in the future tense, indicative mood, because it indicates an action that is conditioned to another.

IV. the mother wants that they help the lady who fell.
The verb is in the present subjunctive, because it indicates the desire for a future action.

Choose the verb forms that correctly complete the sentence below.

I hope to (rest) and (study) more tomorrow.

"Seu Tomás had fled too, with the drought, the bolandeira he was stop. And he, Fabian, it was like the ballerina. I didn't know why, but it was. One, two, three, there were more than five stars in the sky. The moon he was surrounded by a milk-colored halo. It was going to rain. Good. The catinga would rise again, the cattle's seed would return to the corral, he, Fabiano, he would be the cowboy on that dead farm. Rattles from bone clappers would enliven the solitude. The boys, fat and red, would play in the goatsty, Victoria would wear skirts with showy branches. The cows would populate the corral. and the stench would stay all green."

Linking verbs have the function of linking the subject and its characteristics (subject predicative). This is what happens in the following sentences:

  • the bolandeira he was stop
  • Fabian it was like the ballerina. I didn't know why, but it was.
  • The moon he was surrounded by a milk-colored halo.
  • and the stench would stay all green.

The main linking verbs are: to be, to be, to remain, to stay, to become, to walk, to appear, to turn, to continue, to live.

He lives complaining about the outside. In this sentence, the verb to live is a linking verb because it expresses a circumstance, which is the fact that you are always complaining.

In the sentence "Live abroad for years.", the verb to live is intransitive, because it expresses the action of residing abroad.

a) When I see the teacher, I give the message.

b) When I come, I'll bring the books you asked for.

c) When I see the teacher, I'll give the message.

d) When I come here, I'll let you know.

In which of the alternatives is the verb NOT in the future tense?

Answer explained

In the sentence "I had printed everything the teacher asked for.", the verb is in the past perfect tense, which is used to indicate an action that occurred before another past action, in this case the teacher he requested.

As for the verbs of the remaining alternatives:

a) I would print if I had sheets. (future past tense)

b) It will print the job as soon as it arrives. (future present)

c) When he prints it, we will give it to the teacher. (future subjunctive)

Indicate the only alternative in which the highlighted verb is in the imperative.

Answer explained

I didn't want to come. Now, talk you. The verb to speak is in the imperative mood, because it expresses a request.

As for the verbs of the remaining alternatives:

The) To talk it is the best solution. (infinitive)

b) she was reading when I arrived. (gerund) d) had accepted your apology. (participle)

FERNANDES, Marcia. Exercises on verbs for 9th grade.All Matter, [n.d.]. Available in: https://www.todamateria.com.br/exercicios-sobre-verbos-9-ano/. Access at:

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