Appendix: what it is, functions, appendicitis, symptoms

O appendix is a tubular projection formed from the wall of the cecum (first portion large intestine) on the lower right side of the abdomen. For a long time, the appendix was considered a vestigial organ. Currently, there are other approaches that attribute functions in the immune and digestive systems to this organ.

Appendicitis is an inflammation of the appendix characterized by intense pain in the right abdomen. Among the main causes of this inflammation is the obstruction of the appendix lumen by fecal particles. Treatment for this condition consists of surgically removing the appendix.

Read too: How the digestive system works and the process of digesting food

Topics of this article

  • 1 - Summary on appendix
  • 2 - What is an appendix?
  • 3 - What is the function of the appendix?
  • 4 - What is the difference between appendix and appendicitis?
  • 5 - Symptoms of appendicitis
  • 6 - Diagnosis and treatment of appendicitis

summary on appendix

  • The appendix is ​​a tubular structure derived from the cecum and located in the lower right region of the abdomen.

  • Its function has been the subject of debate over time, and it is now widely accepted that the appendix acts as an organ of the immune system.

  • Appendicitis is a condition of inflammation of the appendix.

  • The main symptom of appendicitis is sharp pain in the lower right side of the abdomen.

  • The treatment of this clinical condition involves surgery. If quick action is not taken, the appendix can burst and lead to widespread infection.

What is appendix?

the appendix it's a diverticulum(small pouch or sac that forms in the wall of an organ) of the cecum. It has a tubular shape and measures approximately 10 centimeters in length. Its end is closed, forming a blind end, and the inside of the appendix is ​​characterized by a relatively irregular, narrow, and small cavity (lumen). In addition, the wall of the appendix presents lymphoid nodules. This organ is located in the lower right region of the abdomen.

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What is the function of the appendix?

The exact function of the appendix has been a topic of debate over time. Several perspectives were explored to understand the role of this organ in the human body. see some theoriesabout the possible functions of the appendix:

  • vestigial organ: some argue that the appendix is an evolutionary remnant that does not currently play a significant role. The appendix is ​​believed to have played a role in the digestion of tougher foods, such as bark and roots, when the human diet was predominantly plant-based. With the change in diet over time, the appendix was reduced and became a vestigial organ.

  • Immune system organ: it is widely accepted that the appendix has an immunoprotective function and act as a lymphoid organ, especially in younger people. He contains immune cells inside, which help fight infections and contribute to the body's immune response.

  • Digestive system organ: there are theories that suggest that the appendix functions as a reservoir of beneficial bacteria for the colon. In case of imbalance in the intestinal microbiota, the appendix would release these bacteria to repopulate the colon, replacing the damaged bacteria.

See too: Immune system — our body's cells, organs, and other protective agents

What is the difference between appendix and appendicitis?

Illustration of human intestines with normal and inflamed appendix, appendicitis condition.
Appendix is ​​the name of the organ; Appendicitis is a condition of inflammation of the appendix.

the appendicitis is the inflammation of the appendix. This inflammatory and infectious condition is most common in people between the ages of 20 and 30, but it can occur in different age groups, including children. In most cases, inflammationoccurs due to obstruction of the lumen of the appendix by retained fecal debris. In addition, appendicular carcinoid tumors, intestinal parasites and hypertrophic lymphatic tissue can also cause obstruction of the appendix and consequently lead to appendicitis.

Illustration of stool causing an obstruction in the appendix.
Obstruction of the lumen of the appendix by fecal particles is one of the main causes of appendicitis.

symptoms of appendicitis

the main ones symptoms of appendicitis are:

  • abdominal pain on the right side and in the lower abdomen (starting with mild cramping and intensifying over time);

  • loss of appetite;

  • fever;

  • nausea and vomiting;

  • constipation or diarrhea;

  • abdominal swelling.

Is important seek medical assistance as soon as possible when presenting these symptoms, thus preventing the progression of inflammation to a more serious case, known as suppurative appendicitis. In this condition, inflammation leads to organ rupture, resulting in severe pain and high risk of generalized infection (sepsis), putting the patient's life in danger.

Diagnosis and treatment of appendicitis

The symptoms of appendicitis can resemble those of other medical conditions, and O diagnosis is not always easy. Based on clinical assessment, considering symptoms, patient history, and palpation of the abdomen, we seek to establish a differential diagnosis. Furthermore, imaging exams how ultrasound and tomography can be used in these cases.

Appendicitis is treated with a surgical procedure. known as an appendectomy, in which the appendix is ​​removed through a small incision. It is important to emphasize that this surgery is not indicated as a preventive method for appendicitis, since the appendix can perform functions in the body.


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HODGE, B.D.; KASHYAP, S.; KHORASANI-ZADEH, A. Anatomy, Abdomen and Pelvis: Appendix. In: StatPearls. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing. 2023. Available in:

JONES, M.W.; LOPEZ, R.A.; DEPPEN, J.G. appendicitis. in: StatPearls. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing. Available in:

JUNQUEIRA, L.C.U.; CARNEIRO, J. Basic Histology. 12 ed. Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara Koogan, 2013. 558 p.

XIANG, H.; HAN, J.; RIDLEY, W.E.; RIDLEY, L.J. Vermiform appendix: Normal anatomy. J Med Imaging Radiat Oncol. 2018. 62:116.

By Heloisa Fernandes Flores
Biology teacher

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FLORES, Heloisa Fernandes. "Appendix"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on July 21, 2023.

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