Crab spider: characteristics and dangers

Tarantula is the name given to about 900 species of spiders that stand out for their large size and for having their bodies covered with several bristles. These have a sensory function and also act in defense, being released when the spider feels threatened.

Although the crab spider has a venom that normally does not cause serious accidents, its bristles cause irritation and allergies, which can be fatal for allergic people. These animals have nocturnal habits and, in general, are not very aggressive. Some species are even kept as pets.

Read too: Trap spider — species that has a potent venom that can be fatal

Topics of this article

  • 1 - Abstract about the crab spider
  • 2 - Characteristics of the crab spider
  • 3 - Where does the crab spider live?
  • 4 - Food for the crab spider
  • 5 - What is the danger of the crab spider?
  • 6 - Can crab spiders be kept as pets?

Crab spider summary

  • Crab spider is the name given to 900 different species of spiders that stand out for their size.

  • They have a body full of bristles that have a sensory and defense role.

  • The crabs can have different color patterns.

  • Crab spiders, in general, stay under the bark of trees, in burrows or under rocks during the day, and go out hunting at night.

  • Crabs are carnivorous animals.

  • They have venom, however, this does not usually cause serious accidents.

  • Crab bristles can cause allergic reactions.

Characteristics of the Crab Spider

Spider-crab is the name used to refer to a group of spiders considered the biggest spiders on the planet. From the tip of one paw to the other, some species can reach 30 cm in length. In total, there are about 900 described species, occurring in different parts of the world. In Brazil, there is fence of 300 species.

In addition to size, crabs stand out for the presence of a large amount of sensory and stinging bristlescovering your body. Urticating bristles are a great form of defense, being released when the spider feels threatened. To release the bristles, the spider rubs its hind legs on the abdomen.

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Regarding their color, crab spiders can have a varied color, with some brown, black, redto theor yet, blue. Some species have drawings on the abdomen and cephalothorax and spots on their legs.

See too: Venomous animals — what are they and what differentiates them from venomous animals

Where does the crab spider live?

Crab spiders are nocturnal animals and generally stay inside burrows, under rocks and tree bark daytime, going out to hunt at night. Some are not very aggressive, while others are not easy to handle. Less aggressive species can be kept as pets.

Blue Crab Spider.
The crabs have varied coloration. the species haplopelma lividum, for example, is colored blue.

Crab spider food

the crab spiderit is a carnivorous species, that is, that feeds on other animals. Larger species may feed on relatively large animals such as small birds, rodents, frogs, lizards and other spiders. This is the case of the goliath spider or bird-eating spider (Theraphosa Blondon), which can be found in the Brazilian Amazon.

What is the danger of the crab spider?

The crab spider stands out for its large size, which causes great fear in some people. However, the venom of the tarantula is not that impressive, since accidents with these spiders, in general, are not serious.

Their bite usually causes pain at the site. In some cases, redness, swelling, itching, burning, cramps and, in more severe cases, muscle spasms can be observed. Although the venom of this spider is not very dangerous, its bristles can cause irritation and even severe allergic reactions and fatal.

Therefore, although the sting does not generally cause much damage, these animals should not be handled. Furthermore, it's important not to kill himyou pressing your body, as this can cause bristles to be released into the environment, potentially reaching the skin and respiratory tract.

Know more: Brown spider - although not very aggressive, the venom of its bite can be lethal.

Can crab spiders be kept as pets?

Child holding a crab spider in hands.
Less aggressive species of crab spiders are an option for those who like unconventional pets.

Because they don't have poison that causes serious accidents, crab spiders are kept by many people as pets. Nonetheless, not all species can be bred, as some are aggressive and do not accept manipulation easily. In addition, some species have many bristles, which can cause health problems. Consequently, the first step before acquiringr the animal is to know its characteristics well.

Before acquiring a spider as a pet, it is important to bear in mind that this is not an animal like any other and requires a lot of care, which not everyone is used to. The breeder must be concerned, for example, with the size of the terrarium and its closing way to avoid escapes, the adequate temperature of the place and what food will be offered to the animal and with what frequency.

By Vanessa Sardinha dos Santos
Biology teacher

In this text we will learn a little more about the wandering spider, its characteristics and the dangers of accidents with it.

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