High School: MEC public consultation ends today (6)!

A public consultation for the restructuring of Brazilian secondary education will be closed this Thursday (6) by the Ministry of Education (MEC).

Participate in the Public Consultation on High School!

The research aimed at students, teachers and school administrators is carried out at Participa+Brasi platforml. Collecting opinions from the school community is part of the secondary education restructuring process.

The MEC announced that more than 105,000 people have already participated in the consultation.

The New Secondary School, which began to be implemented in 2022, has the implementation process suspended while the activities of this consultation last.

On the page, MEC presents some data to contextualize the panorama of Brazilian secondary education.

Read too:What is New High School?

Public Consultation on Secondary Education

The opinions collected by MEC's ​​Public Consultation on secondary education will enable decision-making on the normative acts that regulate this phase of education. Below is an example of a form question:

Question of the public consultation on the New Secondary Education

In addition, the high school discussion program included webinars, consultation with student focus groups, workshops and public hearings.

Look:Public hearings on secondary education are held by the MEC

Do not stop now... There's more after the publicity ;)

New High School

The implementation of the New Secondary School was suspended. Camilo Santana, Minister of Education, gave interviews to Ceará media outlets in early April.

On these occasions, he stated that there was no broad dialogue with public managers about the New High School.

The intention with the public consultation process is to understand the scenario of the education system, listen to the school community and experts in order to take action on the model to be adopted for this stage.

With that, changes in the structure of the Enem tests are also suspended.

Image credit:

[1] Elza Fiuza | Brazil Agency

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