Main differences between Shiites and Sunnis

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Sunni and Shia Muslims share the most fundamental Islamic beliefs and articles of faith and are the two main groups within islam. However, they do have some spiritual and political distinctions.

The main difference between Shia and Sunni Islamic groups came about with the death of the prophet Mohammed, in 632. After the death of Mohammed, founder of Islam and author of the holy book Koran, the Muslim population was divided.

Muslims base their faith on the Qur'an which was allegedly revealed to Muhammad

One group believed that the new leader should be chosen by the people, and another current defended that the successor should be someone from the Prophet's family.

As Muhammad had no sons, the natural candidate to replace him would be his son-in-law, Ali.

The Shiites believed that the leadership of the Muslim nation should remain within the prophet's family, so that Ali Bin Abi Talib, Muhammad's son-in-law, would become the new leader.

The Sunnis, on the other hand, believed that the Muslim people should elect their new leader.

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Shiites Sunnis
Who are Muslim group that believes Muhammad should be succeeded hierarchically by his son-in-law Ali. Group of Muslims who believe that after Mohammed, the new representative must be elected by the community of believers.
Etymology "Shiat Ali", which means "Party of Ali". "Ahl al-Sunnah", which means "people of tradition". The book of Sunnah collects the sayings and precepts left by Mohammed.
percentage They represent 10% of Muslims. They represent 90% of Muslims.
holy books Quran and Sharia (Islamic Law). Quran, Sharia and Sunnah.
Muhammad's true successor It should have been Ali Bin Abi Talib, Muhammad's son-in-law. It must be Abu Bakr, Muhammad's adviser.
right to leadership Through the birthright and within the Prophet's family. A faithful chosen from the families of Mecca and Medina linked to Mohammed.
most representative country Will Saudi Arabia
self-flagellation They are supporters, but it is not a unanimous practice. Disagree with the practice.
way of praying The five daily prayers are condensed into three moments, and they pray with their arms at their sides. Sunnis pray five times a day, with their arms crossed over their chests.
temporary marriages They still believe in practice. They see it as adultery.

Who are the Sunnis?

The word sunni Means "one who follows the traditions of the Prophet" in Arabic. This group is considered the orthodox branch of Islam.

Sunni Muslims believe that after the death of the Prophet Muhammad, the new leader should be chosen from among able men. This is what actually happened when Muhammad's friend and adviser, Abu Bakr, became the first caliph (the Prophet's successor) of the Islamic nation.

Who are the Shiites?

On the other hand, some Muslims believe that leadership should have stayed within the family itself. of the Prophet, among those specifically appointed by him, or among the Imams appointed by the Prophet himself. God.

So, for the Shias, after the death of the Prophet Muhammad, leadership should have passed directly to his cousin and son-in-law Ali Bin Abi Talib. The word "Shia" is a contraction of "Shiat-Ali", or "Ali's Party".

Where do Sunni and Shia Muslims live?

Approximately 85 to 90% of Muslims are Sunnis, while Shias make up about 15% of the Muslim population.

Countries such as Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Yemen, Pakistan, Indonesia, Turkey, Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia are predominantly Sunni.

The majority of the Shia population can be found in Iran, but minority communities are also in Iraq, Yemen, Bahrain, Syria and Lebanon.

Muhammad's Succession

This is the main difference between the two Islamic subgroups. Sunnis believed that a qualified and devout individual should be the Prophet's successor, while Shias believe that the successor should have a direct lineage to the Prophet.

Abu Bakr was Muhammad's first successor, but the Shias disagreed with this decision as they believed that Ali ibn Abi Talib, the prophet's cousin and son-in-law, should have taken over.

Shias have full control over their hierarchy, and the clergy always stems from a direct line from Ali. As this group depends on religious donations, government involvement is unnecessary.

Sunnis, however, allow government involvement, and naming leaders is a large community process.

Relationship with the imams

Imams are the religious leaders of Islam, responsible for conducting religious services. For Shias, these imams are considered appointed by God, and the only legitimate interpreters of the Qur'an.

Sunnis, however, consider that the imam directs the prayer and therefore, in theory, anyone could perform the function. However, Sunni imams take courses and must be nominated by the Sunni community they will serve.

Differences in religious practice

From the initial issue of political leadership, some aspects of spiritual life were affected and now differ between the two groups of Muslims, such as prayer and marriage rituals.

way of praying

Shiites and Sunnis

Sunnis and Shias pray differently, both in the way they pray physically and in the frequency with which they pray.

Both do the five prayers a day, but Shiites condense the five prayers into three sections. Sunnis say each prayer separately, five times a day.

Shiites also pray with their arms at their sides, while Sunnis pray with their arms crossed over their chests.


Sunnis disagree with the practice of self-flagellation so much so that they see it as a sin.

Certain Shia groups, on the other hand, practice self-flagellation, and during the act, they whip their own backs, beat their chests, or use knives and chains.

It should be noted that this ritual only takes place on specific festivals, such as "Achoura".

temporary marriages

Temporary marriage is an ancient pre-Islamic practice that usually happened when a man had to travel long distances.

Basically, it unites a man and a woman in marriage, but only for a predetermined, temporary period of time.

Several Shia currents still believe in and honor this practice. Sunnis, however, regard it as adultery.

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