Publications by Vanessa Sardinha dos Santos

10 tips to get rid of foot odor

Proper foot washing, shoe cleaning,...

March 21 - International Day of Forests

International Day of Forests is a date, created in 2012, which...

Accidents with insects and allergic reactions

Insect accidents are most often...


Adrenaline, or epinephrine, is a hormone produced in...


The albatross is an oceanic seabird, that is, it passes large...

Endangered species

Several animals are currently endangered by...

herbivorous animals

Herbivores feed on algae and plants, i.e...


Arthropods, animals that present great diversity,...

Advances in cancer treatment

Cancer presents itself in different ways, thus making it difficult to...


In this class, we will learn a little more about birds, a group...


In this class, we'll explore the amazing group of bacteria,...


Bacteria are single-celled prokaryotic organisms...

Blue Whale

The blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus), the largest animal in the world,...


Biodiversity concerns, among other factors, the variety...

Food Chain and Web

Sometimes, when studying Ecology, we come across terms that are quite...


Baldness, also called androgenetic alopecia, has...

Colorectal cancer

Colorectal cancer affects the large intestine and therefore the...


In this class, you will learn more about carbohydrates,...


Chickenpox, also known as chickenpox, is a disease caused...

Haploid, diploid and polyploid cells

In this class, we will learn the difference between haploid cells,...


The human brain, located inside the skull, is...


Chikungunya is a disease that, like dengue and zika,...

Krebs Cycle

The Krebs cycle, or citric acid cycle, is one of the...

Five diseases transmitted by kissing

During the kiss, we come into contact with the partner's saliva,...


Cysticercosis, unlike taeniasis, is not contracted...


Cloning, unlike what many think, does not have...


Collagen is a fibrous protein, typical of animals, which...

Ecology Concepts

Ecology concepts, such as habitat, ecological niche,...

Motor coordination

In this class, we will talk about motor coordination, a...


Turmeric, widely used as a condiment, is a plant that...

Difference between COVID-19, flu and cold

In the differences between COVID-19, the flu and a cold, lies the fact...

Difference between fracture, sprain and dislocation

Several injuries affect the skeletal system, being...

Difference between fear and phobia

The difference between fear and phobia lies mainly in...

Difference between periderm, bark and rhytidome

To understand the difference between periderm, bark and rhytidome,...


The IUD, a very effective contraceptive method, consists of a...

Organ donation

Organ donation is an act of love, because through it...

Diseases caused by viruses

Illnesses caused by viruses usually cause fever, pain...


Echolocation, biosonar or echo location, is a...


In this class, we will learn more about Ecology, part of...


In this class, we talk about enzymes, macromolecules that act...


Sclerenchyma, like collenchyma, acts by giving...


Estrogen, also called estrogen, is a term used in...

Biotic and abiotic factors

Biotic and abiotic factors are respectively...


Seals are marine mammals that generally occur in...


In this lesson, we will discuss photosynthesis, a process carried out by...

Pregnancy after age 35

Pregnancy after age 35 is possible, however, after that...

Habitat and Ecological Niche

When studying Ecology, we come across several terms, and some...

Leprosy: the oldest disease in the world

The oldest disease in the world, Leprosy, is registered...


Hemoglobin is a pigment that mainly ensures...

herpes zoster

Herpes zoster, also known as shingles, is a disease...

Homo naledi

Homo naledi, discovered in South Africa, presents...

importance of vitamins

The importance of vitamins is undeniable, being fundamental,...

Urinary infection

Urinary tract infection is a disease caused mainly by...


Lamarckism, evolutionary theory proposed by Lamarck, is based on...

Langya henipavirus

Langya henipavirus is a virus that probably spread...

Guara wolf

Maned wolf, the largest South American canid, is an animal of...


Macroevolution, unlike microevolution,...


Malaria, a disease caused by protozoa, can be...

Feedback Mechanism

In this class, we will talk about the feedback mechanism,...

Mike — The Story of the Headless Chicken

The story of Mike, a chicken that lived for 18 months without its head,...


In this class, we will address some relevant aspects of mitosis, a...

hydatidiform spring

Hydatidiform mole, also known as molar pregnancy, is a...

Transgenic dengue mosquito

The transgenic dengue mosquito, after some tests,...


Mucormycosis, also called “black fungus”, is a...


Roundworms, also known as roundworms, are animals...

Levels of organization in biology

Levels of organization in biology are: atom, molecule,...

Levels of Organization in Ecology

The levels of organization in Ecology are basically the...


In this class, we will learn more about nucleotides, monomers...

Oxytocin: the hormone of love?

Oxytocin, known as the love hormone, has several...

Organs that can be donated while alive

The organs that can be donated in life are the kidneys, liver,...

Origin of life

In this class, we will discuss the origin of life, analyzing the theories...

Cell Wall

In this class, we will discuss about the cell wall, a...

Athlete's foot or chilblain

Athlete's foot, or chilblain, is a fungal disease...

Unconventional food plants (PANCs)

PANCs, unconventional food plants, are the...


In this class, we will explain what pollution is, the main...


Poriferans, also known as sponges, are animals...


In this class, we will deal with porifera (Phylum Porifera),...

First aid

First aid, as the name implies, is the first...

protocol cooperation

Protocooperation, also known as facultative mutualism,...


Protozoa, organisms of Kingdom Protoctista, are...

Punnett square

The Punnett painting, created by Reginald Punnett, is a...

Kingdom Animalia

Kingdom Animalia, also known as Metazoa, encompasses...

Reproduction of Bacteria

In this class, we will learn how bacteria, organisms...


Rhinos currently exist in five species. Those...

Risks of using buchinha-do-norte as an abortifacient

Buchinha-do-norte, despite being a medicinal plant, has...

Risks of teas for pregnant women

The risks of teas for pregnant women are many and, therefore,...


In this class, we will learn a little more about blood,...

oral health

Many people do not care about oral health, however,...


Syphilis is a disease, caused by a bacteria, which, if not...


Sinusitis or, more correctly, rhinosinusitis, is a...

Immune system

The immune system, also called the immune system, is...

Lymphatic system

Lymphatic system, formed by a network of vessels and lymph nodes,...

Reproductive system

Reproductive system, or genital system, is responsible for...

Respiratory system

In this class, we will explore the so-called respiratory system, the...

Urinary system

Consisting of two kidneys, two ureters, one bladder and one urethra,...


Somatotropin, also known as growth hormone,...

heart murmur

Heart murmur is not a disease, however, it can...


Touch is the sense responsible for making us feel the touch, and,...


In our organism, we find the epithelial tissue,...


The testicles, a structure present only in men, are...

types of water

There are different types of water, but some are worth mentioning,...

Is a tumor cancer?

Many people think that every tumor is cancer, however,...

See more about these dominant technology and innovation companies in the financial market!

Freedom of the press is a citizen's freedom to have access to information. Understand!

The slang adapted from English is used to designate someone who is seen as tacky, shameful, outdated and out of fashion.

A term coined by Judy Singer, it is used to describe the wide variety of ways the human mind behaves.

Also known as PL2660, it is a bill that establishes mechanisms for the regulation of social networks in Brazil.

Learn how to prepare this pineapple pudding recipe

Certainly, when it comes to cooking, there are two knowledge that are completely correct: pineapp...

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Well-stuffed homemade dream: how to make it at home?

TipsLearn how to make a dream in a simpler way than usual using biscuit bread.Per Texty agencyPos...

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The beauties of the sea: discover the marine animals that only appear at night

The beauties of the sea: discover the marine animals that only appear at night

The sea is, without a doubt, one of the richest environments in biodiversity, however, we are not...

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